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Help me decide oil or lotion based sugar scrub. Both?


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Hi! I am totally new at this and expect to have my business rolled out by then end of winter. Right now I'm still in the testing stages. I'd love some advice from you pros!

I've made a wonderful almond oil/shea based sugar scrub and in addition a whipped lotion with shea sugar scrub (kind of like a souffle scrub)

They are both great, the oil based one being much more moisturizing maybe too much so for some people. Not greasy though.

The Cream based souffle scrub is less oil but as exfoiliating as the other if not more. It's also a tad bit less expensive to make.

I am torn if I need to pick just one of the scrubs to add to my line or if there is a way I can differentiate the two somehow and keep them both in my line. I also though of making one of them a peppermint foot scrub? But I am all out of ideas. Any advice?

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many premade bases have a preserevative system built into them, but you need to know what they are because you could destroy them by heating the base up or adding too many other ingredients. your supplier should be able to give you this info. and be sure to research, research, research, and test, test, test..........


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