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ingrediant labelling


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is there a plain language, readers digest condensed version of whats required.. are there nation or state wide regulations? I have been labelling everything...but since I have been making my own B&B stuff i take notice now of ingrediant labels on my own purchased items... and now have noticed i have MANY MANY things in my home.. that have no ingrediant labels, cosmetics, soaps, shampoos tec.. things from nationwide chains... why is this??

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Look in the Soapmaking FAQ forum - there's a topic "legal requirements" and you should read through the first link - it's the FDA cosmetic manual in relatively easy to understand language. Basically look at what is required for ingredients, company name, weight, product name, any warnings required.

The cosmetic regulations are federal. Florida has extra requirements in the production of cosmetics

Some things can have their ingredients on the outside package, it could be you've thrown them away. And some big companies mislabel. They either get caught by the FDA, or figure the fines are cheaper than doing the labeling right. I've seen that plenty of times, even worse than no ingredient label is an inaccurate one

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Look in the Soapmaking FAQ forum - there's a topic "legal requirements" and you should read through the first link - it's the FDA cosmetic manual in relatively easy to understand language. Basically look at what is required for ingredients, company name, weight, product name, any warnings required.

The cosmetic regulations are federal. Florida has extra requirements in the production of cosmetics

Some things can have their ingredients on the outside package, it could be you've thrown them away. And some big companies mislabel. They either get caught by the FDA, or figure the fines are cheaper than doing the labeling right. I've seen that plenty of times, even worse than no ingredient label is an inaccurate one

see I thought of the outer package labelling too.. but I have a bottle of baby shampoo not sold on box.. no labeling, I also have a burts bees gift set...body oil, cremes and lotions.. all labelled.. soap is not.. and no special insert for the soap.. and a few other things that arent labled at all.. this is all so very confusing..
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There is a "soap" exemption - if you don't claim anything about the soap except that it cleans (and who does that), you don't have to label soap. but if you say it's moisturizing, good for your skin, all the things we usually say, then you've got to label it as a cosmetic. Most M&P have to be labeled as cosmetics since most bases don't contain a majority of "soap", but that's a very gray area and many M&Pers don't label their soaps either.

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