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You can't add as much fragrance as you want, you can add as much fragrance as the wax you're using can hold. If you add more than the wax can hold, it'll just seep out and make oily, sticky wax melts. What kind of wax do you use?

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You can make them smell strong if you're using quality ingredients. I don't personally use straight parafin (which is what im assuming you use) But try starting out at 1oz pp of fo, you could go up to as much as 1.5oz pp but make sure it doesnt seep out. hth

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Thank you Lindsay, much appreciated, i do feel liek behind the times, as you guys talk about soy wax and i have never read up on it and my local supplier only sells paraffin wax, so thats all i use, so 1.05 fo to a wax melt and see how i go?


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If you are using straight paraffin then you can add vybar 103 to gain a greater scent oil retention threshold. Here is a product description:


If you are using a mottling wax and want to retain the mottle effect you can use vybar 343 in place of vybar 103 which kills motting effect. Here is a description of vybar 343.


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Thank you Lindsay, much appreciated, i do feel liek behind the times, as you guys talk about soy wax and i have never read up on it and my local supplier only sells paraffin wax, so thats all i use, so 1.05 fo to a wax melt and see how i go?


Not 1.05 oz fo to a wax melt. My wax melts are only 1oz. I said 1-1.5oz of fo pp (per pound) which is per pound of wax.

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