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stressed out


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Im totally freaking, weve had a bad fincial year, dh was a truck driver and forgot to renew his lisence and it was 4 days expired after a fender bender that wasnt his fault and the state of ky pulled his lisence for 6 months:confused: i dont understand why it was a stupid mistake but it was took care of ittmeadiatly, he's such a good man,worker, I feel bad for him and our checking account, now he's getting ready to go back to work but Im getting so busy with my candle making which is awesome:grin2: but im stresses about money to put into it Ive only been selling since feb and you know how much money it costs at first and Im really starting to have big orders wholsale wise, ne way just wanted to vent and see if any of you candle vets had to struggle this way when you first started, just need some advice or maybe just a few underdstanding words of wisdom:smiley2:

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