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is a little tunneling bad?

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Im testing 8 oz sq masons with 100% soy and I use htp wick 104( so far) I get a little tunneling the first maybe the second burn but after that it burns down clean, they have an amazing scent throw:grin2: but will the tunneling the first or second burn affect the sale abilty of my candle, im a fraid if I wick up they will burn too hot, I love the candle so much acept for the slight tunneling:embarasse please give me your suggestions

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I wouldn't worry about it. I've read that soy tends to burn down and then out anyway. It sounds like you're on track and if the wicking works, don't mess with it, lol. Besides, people tend to marathon burn anyway and so they may not even notice :D

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Yes soy does burn down then out. I like to leave my wick a bit larger on my first burn or 2 to help that. Ultimately you want a clean burn so if there is some hang up in the beginning that catches up, it shouldn't amount to no more than a peehole in a snow bank. IOW - it is not a big deal. Since you use the HTP which are self trimming wicks and will add to there being some hang up, you will continue to experience this. You can either tell your customers the nature of the wax and the wick to cause hang up that will ultimately catch up and burn clean, or change to a different wick all together - one that isn't self trimming. HTH :wink2:

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