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i feel like an idiot...

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i was making a pillar last night, and i had the color perfect, the pour came out perfect, for the first time ever there were no layer lines from the repour. it wasn't until it was hardened that i realized, after adding in the necessary additives, i didn't put in fragrance...

will remelting this candle to add in the fragrance ruin the candle?

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That's not as bad as what I did last night. I was making Spiced Cranberry and grabbed the wrong bottle of dye! I now have a couple of Spiced Cranberry candles that are a lovely shade of brown! Ick! What a waste of wax and FO!

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i was making a pillar last night, and i had the color perfect, the pour came out perfect, for the first time ever there were no layer lines from the repour. it wasn't until it was hardened that i realized, after adding in the necessary additives, i didn't put in fragrance...

will remelting this candle to add in the fragrance ruin the candle?

Just remelt and add the FO...Most of us have had it happen a time or two. When it happened to me it was caught at a show. A lady was saying that she couldn't smell anything when she opened this one jar. I thought she was crazy and smelled it and sure enough there was NADA....I quickly pulled it and the others of the same fragrance off the table. Then I went through and smelled everything!!! LOL :P

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