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How to make hand rolled cinn buns?

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Can anyone tell me what type of wax and technique is needed to make my own hand rolled cinnamon bun candles and votives. I use JS 50/50, and 4794. Only thing I do know is to pour my melted wax on a paper plate and set up, then roll it out and shape it like a bun. Is it that easy? Thanks everyone!!:smiley2:

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I made some but I didnt pour it in a paper plate. I poured it out in a cookie sheet. Cut it into strips and just started rolling the wax to the size I wanted them. It really was easier than I thought it would be. I just used the plain paraffin that I bought at Hobby Lobby. I placed my wick on my wax before I started rolling it. They turned out really nice except next time I think I'm going to go with a thinner layer of wax. HTH ;)

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When you start rolling you want it still warm enough to be pliable. Not too soft and not too hard. When you start rolling you can kind of tell if it's right or not. If it's not set enough your wax will kind of can't find the right words lol You want it soft enough to work with but not so soft that your wax is still kind of jiggly inside. As you said you can definitely tell when you waited too long because the wax starts to break apart. Does this make sense?

I would just pour up a small batch and experiment with it. They are fun to do and really don't take that long once you get the hang of it. ;)

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