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Soap Not Setting

Lady Di

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I'm making a 2-layer CP batch. Same ingredients I have always used. I pour at about 90 degree temp. I do not insulate.

I made and poured my first layer at about light to medium trace. I then made my second layer -- same recipe, except I used no fragrance. I stirred and stirred and hardly achieved light trace. I went ahead and poured it over the first layer. When I did, the first layer gave in somewhat to the weight of the second layer (the first layer had been "setting" for about 1 1/2 hours). This was unusual and has never happened to me before.

I left the soap to set on the counter. I discovered just a little while ago that a good bit of the second layer has seeped out through the mold onto the floor. It's not setting either. I also noticed that the mold is not warm (like it usually is).

I put a pan underneath the mold, have put a lid on it and have wrapped it in towels.

What happened?


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I can't say for sure because I don't know your recipe. I do know that if I soap at 90 degrees, depending on the recipe, it can take sometime to get a medium trace and a long time to gel. I had one recipe that I had to heat it up to 100 before I could get it to trace.

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I don't know what I did wrong. I can see making an error once... but twice in a row? Not likely, I don't think.

I ended up putting the soap in the oven for about an hour at 170 degrees. It looks fine today and cut well. Do you think it is okay?

I was down to the bottom of my lye bucket, so I discarded the rest and have opened a new bag to start using. The lye is the only thing I can figure -- it heated up when I mixed it into the water. This is the same recipe I've always used, and I have successfully layered before.


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