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Bath Melt Question

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I made a batch of Bath Melts per the recipe by Bunny and after 30 minutes in freezer they were firm so I removed from freezer. I checked them 30 minutes after that and they were getting all mushy again. I have them back in the freezer. I was wondering is this normal or what?

Also how soon are they ready for use? I plan to test but wanted to know if I should wait a few days or a week?

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Someone else had this problem last month I believe.. And it was attributed to wonky cocoa butter..

I would suggest doing a search for "bath and melts" and see if her problems are the same as yours..

Sorry you're having trouble with them, and hope all the answers you need are in that thread!

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I just wanted to post that I did put them back in the freezer for an extra 30 minutes and they seem to be fine now. I then had to try one and it was FABULOUS!!!!!!!!!!!! I then sent one to my mom's co worker she and my mom are the CP soap queens around here (11 years and going strong) and she has tried to make Bombs before and that is exactly what they did BOMBED. So I sent some to her to try and critque for me! SHE LOVED THEM! She said just be careful getting out of tub but she did not want to even dry her skin with a towel because she said she wanted to keep that smooth soft feeling!@

BUNNYYYYYY THANK YOUUUUUUUU for this EASYYYYY wonderful recipe for Bath Melts!

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