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Premier Series Wicks and Soy?

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I've been told that these wicks offer favorable results with soy blends.

Anyone have any experience with them? Positive or negative, I welcome all feedback. Doesn't matter if you are using straight soy or the blends.

TIA. :smiley2:

I did some limited testing but was concerned about being too dependent on the manufacturer. Granted, samples are free, but I'd rather there were distributors I could buy from rather than having to call and ask and hope nothing is delayed or forgotten. There's no test info available and not even yield numbers to help guestimate equivalancies with other wicks. As far as performance, I tried a limited number of sizes and they burned nicely. Very much like ECO. For instance I burned ECO 2 and Premier 750 side by side. Flame size, shape and color was very similar. Melt pool, mushrooming, etc. was just about the same. One good Premier feature seems to be a lot of sizes.
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I did some testing in them with soy and bw and found that I could get a great burn with some of my FOs that I can't wick with my normal wicks. I have really liked what I have seen so far in my testing. I use the widemouth jars and can use the 795 and 798's. I haven't tested lower yet - not enough hours in the day. The 798's are not listed on their site but I was told you can ask for them when you call. Normally, with this jar, I use HTP 1212 or a 62c.

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When I started testing GL 70/30...my HTP's did not perform good...so I started testing Premiers....so far good. Like any wick...some people love them som people hate them.

I plan on testing them against CD's before I buy more for my whole line.

I placed an actual order via phone and received it within days....but when I got my samples, it took about 2 weeks.

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I do like them for the size range, and so far in soy they mushroom less, and if you blow them out (as opposed to dipping the wicks to extinguish) there is less afterglow and smoking. They do curl, and it is difficult to tell which way they will bend. They are very competitively priced, but you have to buy 1000 at a time. Great for bigger operations, but a little price prohibitive for a budding candle operation. Perhaps someone can start a a Premier 700 wick co-op?


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I do like them for the size range, and so far in soy they mushroom less, and if you blow them out (as opposed to dipping the wicks to extinguish) there is less afterglow and smoking. They do curl, and it is difficult to tell which way they will bend. They are very competitively priced, but you have to buy 1000 at a time. Great for bigger operations, but a little price prohibitive for a budding candle operation. Perhaps someone can start a a Premier 700 wick co-op?


Do they curl/bend like CD's? GRRRRRRRR!! LOL! :P

This would be some pertinent information for me. The pricing seems more than fair, but the sizes and no gram rate consumption chart is throwing me for a loop. Geek, what type of wick would you think they are most comparable to?

Thanks to everyone that posted their input, keep it coming. :)

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Do they curl/bend like CD's? GRRRRRRRR!! LOL! :P

This would be some pertinent information for me. The pricing seems more than fair, but the sizes and no gram rate consumption chart is throwing me for a loop. Geek, what type of wick would you think they are most comparable to?

Thanks to everyone that posted their input, keep it coming. :)

Think of a slightly beefier LX and that is what you'll have.


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