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So, I'm interested in opinons on this one, I know some ladies that knew I had been testing soy for awhile and so they decided to throw a 'fundraiser' for a local org. in which they were selling candles, ( that they had never made ever, not even parrafin) So they called me asking what wax, wick, etc.. to use and I said I had no idea, that I had been testing and retesting for EACH SCENT and this is what you HAD to do or you could burn down someones house, make bunk candles etc... anyway, they had already sold 200 of these at $7 each and decided just to make some anyway without testing because 'it was for charity'. THey used C3, 16oz masons and lonestar scents, however they added 1 TABLESPOON of vybar PER POUND, and, I'm interested in knowing how this may have turned out. They used the eco 14 wicks, and now when I sell my candles that are tested to be good around town, people keep asking me if they will smell when they get home because they bought these 'other soy candles' that didn't, do you think that the vybar at THAT AMOUNT probably seized their scent and thus ruined our local soy trade?

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Vybar is not really made for soy but I've heard of some folks that do swear by it. I tested with it a few years back and really didnt notice a difference in my throw. It did make my candles set up looking like cauliflower and I know from my experience that it is easy to use too much and get the cauliflower look. As far as not throwing, it could just be because they didn't test enough and find which wicks, wax, FOs and all that work best for them. Its too bad too because they give the rest of us soy chandlers a bad name. Something tells me that they won't be doing much business. Hopefully you can turn the tides to soy in your turn and be successful. Good luck!

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I am shocked not only that these ladies would sell something they didn't thoroughly test, but they sold 16 oz jars for a fundraiser for just $7! They certainly weren't making very much money that way. We once had a local school do a fundraier for their band, and they sold candles they got from a professional chandler who specialized in fundraising. Nice literature and order sheets. Their basic candle was a 4 oz scented paraffin and it was $12! Chandlers typically will wholesale their candles at twice their cost. Usually kids selling stuff for fundraising will double the price again so they can keep half the money, but that works if you're selling stuff like candy. I'm not sure what the standard markup is for a jar candle sold that way. Maybe someone here who sells to fundraisers can chime in?


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Almost forgot your vybar question. :o

Vybar was not made to work in soy, like Meredith said. It works mainly to add opacity to paraffin and help bind FO to it. If too much is used, it can bind too much FO and then the candle does not smell at all. It could possibly be binding the FO in the soy. Now beeswax has been known to aid hot throw, but not necessarily to allow the wax to hold more FO.


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No answer about the Vybar from me, just a big ole fat shoulder to cry on - that really stinks! I'm sorry that you have an uphill battle now with your marketing because of two people that just decided to screw around with candles. Perhaps, if the issue comes up (like the customer about the "other" soy candles), and you are not the one who brings it up (thus avoiding impropriety and the appearance of badmouthing), you can mention that, you have knowledge about their formula and lack of testing, and that both of those contribute to a candle that may not be up to the standards that you impose on your candles. If you don't already, you may institute a money-back guarantee.

Again, I'm sorry for the problem these women caused, that is really frustrating.

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You could always name your company, "My Soy Candles Smell".

Or...My Candle Won't Burn Your House Down. :undecided

And how flawed is this thinking????

decided just to make some anyway without testing because 'it was for charity'.

What the HECK does it matter if it is through a fundraiser or through retail?? Someone is STILL going to pay for that and STILL burn it in their house. Just leaves me shaking my head! They are definitely not the brightest crayon in the box!

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I was really kind of mad, considering I guess that they figured since I was doing it anyone could.... they were formally using another ladies soy candles, that were wonderful, and they figured, if we make them we can make the profit, it also needs to be noted that the 'candle makers' are also the ones that run the organization.....hm. making money off a non-profit, I just tried to stay out of that one. Just goes to show that these things DO TAKE SKILL AND KNOWLEDGE! hm.

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that sort of thing just pisses me off, people just think it's stick a wick in a jar and pour wax and you have a great candle. wrong, what idiots.

Unfortunately, carol, those people aren't the only ones that think that way. I'm really sad that those people literally took their customers money - even if it was for charity... if I'm going to give money, I'm going to GIVE money but if I buy something, I want it to work... as for the opinion that it's just wick and pour and you're set - well I have people that come into my booth at craft shows and say "Oh, just candles" or "Not another candle place". They don't realize the kind of work that we put into our candles, that our natural wax candles (and even the para makers I know) are far superior to those things that they sell at the big box stores - and each one of us are different. I will go to a craft show and yes there will be other chandlers there but they have para candles or they have all container candles or they just have different scents than I do - we are all different... just like every painter or musician is different - but you wouldn't hear them say that Ozzy Ozbourne is the same as Enya or Picaso is just like Monet... geeze!

Ok - I'm done ranting - what a way to come back to the message board (I haven't done research in a long time - been busy!!) LOL Oh well... I just have had some people really tick me off and to read this really ticks me off - I mean why didn't they offer to purchase wholesale from a *qualified* chandler and do their markup so next year when they want to run the same fundraiser they will have the repeat customers.... some people are really stupid!

Life & Light!


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