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HP I crashed & Burned


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I did my first HP soap using the easiest beginner soap

50% olive oil (no need to get extra virgin; light olive oil is great!)

25% coconut oil (Lou Ana brand at Super Wal-Mart is perfect)

25% lard*

I use the lye calc and did everything exact. It took so much longer then the instructions said. Finally I got there. I put it in my mold. This morning it was still gooey. I'll give it a few days. Its not humid here infact the opposite. Hot Hot Hot. But I have it in my craft room. Maybe this recipe was not suppose to be used in HP. If this is what I have to do...Forget it....lol but I will try again.

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What may have happened is that it didn't "cook" all the way so now it's in between HP & CP - and thus will take much longer to solidify. If you touch the surface and then put your finger on your tongue do you get the lye zap? If yes then it's still soaping!

My first HP batch cooked about 4X what the instructions had led me to believe it would. High Olive Oil can be difficult apparently. As far as I know every recipe can be done HP... HP just speeds the saponification along so it happens in the pot rather than just in the mold...

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I don't have many batches under my belt yet so can't say. I left mine over night and it was still soft the next day - not mushy but soft. And it wasn't hot in here cause the AC was on. I think I unmolded and sliced it after 24 hours.

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16 0z olive oil

8 oz coconut oil

8 oz lard*

3.04 oz water

1.05 lye

According to soapcalc.com, for a 2# batch you should have had a lot more lye (and water): 4.52 oz lye and 12.16 oz of water. Unless I'm missing something here.

If you only have 1/4 the lye you need to saponify all those oils it won't work.

Don't know if you can re-melt and add more lye water - someone else might know.

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Some HP tutorials are misleading. When I started, I did 2 pound batches. I learned it took 2 distinct 30 minute cooks to get it to where I needed it to be.

If possible, sit down and watch your batch. That's how I learned. (Heck, I still like watching the soap fold over on itsself. Sometimes, I take pictures - DH thinks I'm nuts.)

And DO NOT be tempted to uncover it!!! That was one of my problems. I would get antsy and want to stir it.

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I do oven hot process and never have to cook a 2# batch over 45 minutes. Sometimes 30-35 minutes, depending upon the oils used. I think maybe you miscalculated somehow. :undecided

I went to soap calc, and looks like you only used enough water and lye for about an 8 oz batch.

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If it were me, and you're sure about the measurements you used before, I'd try and rebatch it. Mix a solution of 9.12 oz water and 3.47 oz lye. Cut the soap up into very small chunks, add the solution, and cook it. You'd have to use a whisk, or potato masher, or something to smooth the lumps out after it starts melting, and you may have to add extra scent at the end of the cook.

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That is so strange. I used the lye calculator I must have used it wrong. I always weigh everything. But its still mush so I will now remelt. Im sooo sooo sooo sooo glad your all here for dunces like me. I love watching it roll over on itself too. So Now I get to do it again. Ok who wants to come and help me with the next batch. I'll let you float and tan while we wait. I'll even throw in a margarita.

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