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Is it worth a try?

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Hi everyone..I need some advice on what to do here: I just received an order for 200 votives and 200 tealights. I usually buy all my supplies from one store because they dont charge me shipping but I find that some of their prices are A LOT higher then other stores in the same area even without the shipping costs being added. What I want to know is it worth it to email them and see if they will match some of the prices so I can keep my whole order with them? I know I am saving on shipping but some of the higher costs are quite high, and this is for my friends wedding so I want to get her the best deals possibly. Let me know what you think.


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Why not ask? The worst they can do is say no, right? Unless you think you may jeopardize the free shipping??? You didn't mention if there's no shipping b/c you pick up, or what the deal was... As long as you can maintain your free shiping, I say go for it!

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Thanks everyone. I think I will ask them. I get free shipping because they used to have a store here in Kamloops where I live and it closed and their main store is in Vancouver so anyone in Kamloops who orders over $50 worth gets free shipping.

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