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Help I'm having a tizzy


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I am trying to simply melt some MP and add a few EO's, no color, sounds simple eh? Well no matter how much I mix and mix the EO's are not blending in, everytime I check the mold the oils seem to be sitting on top. What am I not doing??:(

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I can't speak from experience on this one since I've never used EO's, but a few times I have gotten oil spots if I didn't blend enough. If I see this happening before I pour in the molds (puddles), I simply let the soap sit (I heat in pyrex measuring cups), and let it almost cool, stir like crazy, and then zap again in the microwave.

Maybe the soap just wasn't hot enough to blend?

Another thought would be to stir with a whisk if the oil is difficult to blend.

hth ....

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Hmmm perhaps that is my problem? I just heat it until it's all melted, are you supposed to heat it to a certain temp?

I don't measure temp anymore (used to years ago, but don't feel the need now) so I can't quote numbers. I heat till practically all liquid because I don't have time to do lots of stirring lingering chunks like some tutorials say to do.

The "time" will depend on your microwave wattage, but for a 16 oz. pyrex I'll usually set on 90 sec., then stir ~ another 20-30 sec if needed, then add FO and let sit to skim. If I have oil puddles I wait to pour, otherwise, will pour after skim.

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This is the recipe I used:

1 lb. M&P base

1 oz. liquid shea butter

1/4 TSP Teatree essential oil

1/4 TSP Lavender essential oil

1/4 TSP Lemongrass essential oil

1/4 TSP Eucalyptus essential oil

1/4 TSP Peppermint essential oil

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