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After MP-what next?


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I have been using some Acorn Supply MP soaps and they have been working out pretty well and I have been experimenting with the different scents.

What would be the next logical step in soap making?

And what is a good suggestion for purchasing lye?


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next logical step is read everything you can on soap making. This forum has a lot. The Dish also has a ton (soapdishforum.com). It's all over the web and I'll bet your local library as well. Read read read - that way you'll be prepared when the unexpected happens (and it will, oh trust me it will).

then familiarize yourself with soapcalc.com, there are some great links on that page (millersoap.com is one of my favorites, but read them all) and you will need the calculators at the top to figure out how much lye you need. Being precise is really, really important.

Next, buy lots of paper towels (another "trust me" thing)

OK, I've already done HP & CP (my HP was CPHP, i.e. crock pot-hot process). CP was simpler cause I didn't get all crazed looking for the different "phases" and the swirling was fun. But HP you really know what is going on and you can be sure your lye is outta there!

I cannot recommend one over the other!

For purchasing lye, Lowes has it - you can search online at lowes.com to find your local store that has it in stock (you enter your zip code). But before you get that far I really say do your research.

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Yes, lots of paper towells is good! I played with MP for a bit, but then I tried HP this fall (made two batches) and then I dove into CP! Each kind is different and you just have to play around with different recipes and decide which you like better!

I did HP first because at least you can see the phases similar to CP and you don't have to worry about the lye still being present aftewards!

Good luck!


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