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Hi everyone! I am a newbie at the whole bath and body making process.I have few questions( dont laugh though..Im serious:embarasse )If yall could help me out I would greatly appreciate it!!!

  1. When making bath and body can you use the same oils that you use in most candles?(not essential oils)
  2. What are some good adds to lotions, Sprays,Bubbles, and others???They all look gibberish to me....
  3. Where is a good starting point for Bath and Body?
  4. And anything else that would help me.....

Thanks again everyone! Im clueless:confused:

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  1. When making bath and body can you use the same oils that you use in most candles?(not essential oils) - some FOs are safe for use in B&B, some aren't. check out the suppliers' web sites
  2. What are some good adds to lotions, Sprays,Bubbles, and others???They all look gibberish to me.... not sure what your question is?
  3. Where is a good starting point for Bath and Body? you can start by purchasing some bases if you want to start really simple! easy to make stuff includes bath oils, massage oils, bath salts (thougth they do confound some of us).
  4. And anything else that would help me.....

What I would recommend is reading around in the B&B forum, and the recipes forum and just see what looks like fun! I started with lotion bars (which should be easy, but I'm way to picky). Then I got into whipped shea, scrubs... Now I'm obsessed with soaps!

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Germaben II


These are preservatives. Pretty basic info. The other stuff is basic too. There is a lot of info on them, here and on the web. I really think you need to do some extra reading. Why don't you start with some suppliers?


This lists many suppliers who sell B&B stuff like ingredients and even pre-made bases. Explore what they have to offer, they have a lot of information right there. Then when you have some idea what you want to do we can help you with some specifics.

Good luck

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I think the first thing that you'd want to decide is what products you want to experiment with. A lot of newbies (myself included, when I started out) get spread too thin and get overwhelmed. If you want to focus on, say, lotion and body spray, will you be making your own from scratch, or will you be buying bases? Making it from scratch will require a ton of trial and error, as well as a bunch of reading on those "gibberish" things like preservatives and oils and butters and the like, LOL! If you decide to go with a base, you can start adding small amounts of things like shea butter, that are easily accessible and have well-known appeal.

If you could give us an idea about what direction you're headed with your products (which ones you want to try, bases vs. scratch, etc.), then there are tons of ways we can help you. Lots of info here, and we can point you in those directions and answer questions that are not already posted.

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I would be using pre made bases and then adding the fragrance and other stuff.I would like to start with 4 things: body spray, bubble bath,body lotion,and shower gel.

I looked at the bases from soapandthings.com and they seem to have pretty good ratings.Do you know much about their bases?

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