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coffee butter?

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I am trying to find a hardness rating for coffee butter. Oils by Nature has ratings of different butters, i.e. cocoa butter softness rating--10

Kokum butter softness rating--9

Mango butter softness rating--8

Shea Butter softness rating--has a range of 7-9 depending on type you use.

I have never bought butters from them and only have used this as a reference. These are butters I have used in the past.

I recently got coffee butter and was wondering if anyone has an idea on a softness rating for this one. Does it compare more to aloe butter softness 2 or should I consider it a harder one. I'd like to substitue it in butter recipes. But since this to me at least is a pricey butter I am trying not to waste any of it


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I am trying to find a hardness rating for coffee butter. Oils by Nature has ratings of different butters, i.e. cocoa butter softness rating--10

Kokum butter softness rating--9

Mango butter softness rating--8

Shea Butter softness rating--has a range of 7-9 depending on type you use.

I have never bought butters from them and only have used this as a reference. These are butters I have used in the past.

I recently got coffee butter and was wondering if anyone has an idea on a softness rating for this one. Does it compare more to aloe butter softness 2 or should I consider it a harder one. I'd like to substitue it in butter recipes. But since this to me at least is a pricey butter I am trying not to waste any of it


Chris if thoses are the actual numbers FNBL has listed I think they are off - kokum is WAY harder than cocoa butter!

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Can't help ya on the rating but I bet its low, definately a SOFT, but luxurious butter. I'm w/ you .. it is expensive so I don't use much. I've made the coffee soap with it and a body scrub... it's such a nice butter. I ordered a coffee lip flavoring yesterday so I plan to try tweaking my balm recipe and adding coffee butter w/ the flavoring. I have so many coffee items its going to need it our category :D soon. I don't drink the stuff but LUV the smell, its sooooo intoxicating :drool: .

BTW did you get your butter from FS&S?? I've been thinking of trying Ginny's.

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I have some coffee butter and the stuff I have is very soft. Softer than the shea I have. If you want to try something awesome, get some coffee eo and make a lip balm with the coffee butter and the eo...... :drool: :drool: Even more yummy, add some cocoa absolute :drool:

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