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MP is for the birds


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Here is my nasty ass attempt at MP. After the billionth try, I've figured out a few of my many mistakes- I know I pour too quick (I'm just too impatient cuz I never can wait long enough), and Wilson colors bleed everytime. I spray with alcohol on the bottom of the mold, between layers, and on the top-but what I haven't figured out is why when I tested a few of the bars- the damn layers separate within minutes and the whole stinkin bar falls apart before my eyes-grrrr.

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How long did you wait between layers? I usually wait about 30 - 45 minutes, spritz then pour and I haven't had any seperation of layers.

I waited about 2 hrs for the first layer, poured and went to bed in a rotten mood when I saw the colors bleeding (looked like a mushy mess) and then the next morning I figured what the hell and poured the last layer. Hats off to all of you that post such pretty MP pics, cuz my patience is gone, lol.

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Hmm, I have yet to make layers, so when I do I will have to try the spritz thing! I have done embeds before and I do know if you pour to hot, that will cause the embeds to bleed. I usually let the MP cool until a very thin layer of film forms over the top, then I pour over my embeds.

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I think they are good soapies.

On the layers, just let them cool enough to skin over and yet firm enough to support another layer without falling in, spritz with alcohol and pour.

The Wilton colors will bleed, but they're a blast to play with. I think BCN or WSP sells non-migrating/bleeding MP colors. I've had good luck with select shades in MP so far, but I haven't done anything elaborate with them yet.

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when I layer stuff it only separates if I made a log and cut it. If I layer within a mold and leave that soap as 1 piece then they don't separate when used. Hence ~ I quit making logs ;)

M&P is most "fun" when you use decorative mold IMO. Most of my stuff is bought for the way it looks, not actually to be used LOL.

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Dont give up! The layering will get easier! I did a big half round mold in layers and I could cut one and it would stick fine the next one would break apart. Take your broken parts chop them up and use as embeds! Or remelt them and use them to practice the timing on the layers, that way you dont go thru all your soap!

The Wiltons not only bleed in M&P they fade too... ask me how I know that!

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On the layers, just let them cool enough to skin over and yet firm enough to support another layer without falling in, spritz with alcohol and pour.

That is what I do as well..have only had one instance of separation and that is cause I was trying to shove a bar of soap into a cello bag that barely fit..and I banged it around alot. ..so I used it myself.:D

Also just like a candle I try to pour the second layer just bit hotter than the first one.;)

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Well I think these bars are going to visit the trash can-grrrrrrr. They are SLIMY!! I keep wiping them off and still they ooz-ack. I mean if u pick a bar up it will slip right outta your hand. I've tried stickin em in front of a fan, under the A/C-I just threw em in the fridge on my way out this morning. Oh and besides being so slimy-it gets coated with like a crystalized white look-hard to explain, I am just so disgusted with this.:(

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