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MMS Lip Balm Color


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Hi all,

For any of you who have used the lip balm color from MMS did you find it hard to mix in? I used it for the first time today and thought it would be more of a liquid - it had the consistency along the lines of finger paint (that's the first thing that popped into my head when I opened it up). I don't know if I added it at the wrong time or didn't stir it in enough or what. Once I had everything melted, I added my flavoring and stirred that in, then added a little bit of the coloring. I stirred for about 2 minutes, but I couldn't get it to mix in completely. The color changed but there were still some "grainies" at the bottom. I transferred it to my little pots and the color was fine, but if you look at the bottom of the container, it is a lot darker and you can see that it's not completely dissolved or mixed in.

Did I just not stir it long enough or could my liquids have been too hot when I added it? :undecided

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I love the color from MMS. A little goes a long way.

When I make lip balm I make 5oz at a time. To color it I take a toothpick and just touch the end to the color then stir the toothpick around in the balm until it has enough color. I never touch the sides and I don't drop the color off of the toothpick. I have never had clumps or darker areas using these colors.

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Do you add the color before or after you transfer the balm to the pots? I did mine before, just like you said, toothpick and all. When it wasn't mixing in, I used a spoon...The lip balm itself is a great color and I'm happy with that, it's just the particles that didn't *mix* I will have to try again. Was your color on the thicker side or more liquid-y?

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