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Speaking of Salt Bars, I need help please?

Steph in tx

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O.k. I wasn't paying attention when I saw Grumpy Girls Salt Bars:drool: , but I've done every search I can type in....with no results!! :sad2:

I know that you should use at least 50% Coconut Oil, but if I used 100% Coconut Oil, how much table salt (non Iodized)? I just need a little help with this, so I was thinking if I did, say 32 oz Coconut Oil, do I add 32 oz of Salt too?? This is where I'm lost....:shocked2:

I would like to try just a small batch, and 2lbs is small enough...I just want to try. Can someone please stear me in the right direction, before my head explodes?? :cry2: I have been putting my soaps in heated oven at 170, turn off heat, wrap with towel, and leave in stove all night. So far this as worked for me. Should I do this with Salt Bars?? TIA!!

Steph in tx


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Salt bars will come out of the mold in less than 3 hours. Mine do anyway. If you leave them overnight, you'll never get them cut. I do mine in a slab mold, and don't have to worry about cutting them.

After sloshing them into the mold, I put mine in a 170 degree oven for about an hour or so, till they gel. As soon as they gel and set back up, I'm taking them out of the mold (HOT, Ouch!) and cleaning them up.

Add equal amounts of UNiodized table salt and oils and you'll be fine. I've never tired them with another salt. Also, I never use less than 70% CO. I'm not sure if this will make a difference or not.

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GG's pics in the gallery turned me onto making salt bars. They are REALLY easy to make. I make a 2lb batch and use 2% shea butter and the rest coconut oil. Like Sharon said you do use equal parts oil to salt. Seems crazy but its true :D !! When I first made them I used both salts, as when I did a search here and at one of the other forums both salts were mentioned, so I didn't know what to do. Some have even used sea salt with good results. I cut mine 20 minutes after I put it in the mold, while its still hot even- another crazy tidbit but again true!-LOL! I don't cover them either, the mold just sits on the counter. I put my first batch in the oven and it was VERY hard to cut. Even when I cut it 20 minutes later at the end it gets hard to cut. I think using an already divided mold is easier with the recipe, I'm not lucky enough to own one :sad2:. I should also say I didn't use a slab mold and the thickness of these bars were approx an inch, maybe that's why mine set up so fast. HTH & GL!! :wink2:

Here are some links http://www.candletech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=23141&highlight=salt+bars and http://www.candletech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=5974&highlight=salt+bars( (both talk about what salt to use)




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:highfive: I promise that I looked and searched all forums (looked under Salt Bars), but never really got the answer I was looking for!! Thank you both so much for your information!! I can't wait to try this. I will post pictures and results for me as soon as I get my salt. :D Now I have to go to store and buy them out of salt. I know I'll get plenty of weird looks....:laugh2: GG, yours were so sparkly looking! I don't think I'll do any color, till I get the feel for this. But now I'm on a mission!!

Country Gal, I too was afraid of the lye!! But it's not as bad as it sounds. I was a nervous wreck when I made my first batch! But now I just use care (dh says I look like a dr. w/the googles and mask!!) when messing with it....and love the results!! Get rid of the kids/pets for the night and give it a whirl!!

I've been biten, and you will too!!

Thanks Again Ladies, I'm printing this one out!! LOL

Steph in tx


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Sure you looked all over Steph- LOL I have the SAME problem when I look for something I want info on :D

CG as far as I know there's no M&P recipe. I don't know if the soap's makeup would allow it, BUT you could always take a small individual mold, say its 3oz and melt 2oz and mix in 2 oz of uniodized salt. That way if it doesn't work you didn't waste too much. You have me curious me now :confused:! If you try I'd luv to know the results. Or maybe someone will come along and say don't bother it won't work.

As far as the water discount, when you plug your #s into MMS's soap calc and say the water is between 8 to 12 oz I use 8.5 oz (that may be why I don't have to leave mine in the mold that long!?) HTH

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It would also depend on your FO and whether or not it accelerates trace. I only make salt bars in Green Clover and Aloe from Peaks and it does move rather quickly. Without a water discount, I can still get a nice one color swirl going. I couldn't do it with a discount.

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