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Paranoia will destroy ya'

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(Okay, the younguns might not remember that song) :cool2:

I have made two test candles this week that I am burning. I use 415 (straight, no additives). I am still working with an order of wax from a lot that I tested when it first came in. All was well when I tested. I am testing BNL Ginger Lime and MC Hillbilly Homebrew. Both are not burning well at all with my normal wicking. I thought that maybe MC's HH might need to be wicked up, but I always start with the norm and go from there. Now the Ginger Lime, well, it just did not look like a bumper upper, but I have been wrong before.

Of course the paranoid side of me that lost a TON of money on a hidious 415 lot issue is freaking out. Someone please tell me that these are ones that you use AND ones that you have to bump up on. Please. Pretty please. Put my paranoia to rest.

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Okay Lola.. let's see what we can do here for you. :wink2:

(loved the Kinks)

First off, I would call Kathy and tell her, as she will honestly tell you if you got a bad batch of 415. Then I would yank out the wicks and bump it up a size and see what happens. Have you had any issues with other scents? Hopefully this is an isolated incident. I am crossing my fingers for you.

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Lot date Jan 16th and it is ezsoy (not that being ezsoy makes a difference, it is the same 415 everyone uses). I have used about 30 boxes of this wax (same lot) and everything was fine. After the disaster I had a while back, I have just programmed myself to freak out easily. ;) The thing that hit me last night, too, is that I just started using a new bag of 1000 wicks. I have to wonder if they possibly send me the wrong ones? I will have to look. I am also pulled three candles to burn today (some of my regular ones that I know the wicking on for sure) that I know were also made with these wicks. Hopefully these just both happen to be oils you have to wick up on. :rolleyes2

Speaking of wicks, Islandgirl, you get yours from Candlewic, right? I have been thinking of switching to them b/c their prices are so much better. Are you pleased? How do they package their wicks? I use BCN right now and they literally stuff all their wicks (when you order 1000 at a time) in a plastic t-style bag. (like a grocery bag) It is like getting a ball of wicks and I am so tired of trying to pull them out of the tangled mess.

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Speaking of wicks, Islandgirl, you get yours from Candlewic, right? I have been thinking of switching to them b/c their prices are so much better. Are you pleased? How do they package their wicks? I use BCN right now and they literally stuff all their wicks (when you order 1000 at a time) in a plastic t-style bag. (like a grocery bag) It is like getting a ball of wicks and I am so tired of trying to pull them out of the tangled mess.

I just got 2000 CD 20's from candlewic for $87.00..

Great prices!! Quick Service.

You should get a sample pack and try them out!! :cool2:

Sorry to say, but their wicks are put into a big bag too!!

(I wouldn't say in a ball , but loosely packed) LOL

Hope you get your wax issues worked out!! :sad2:

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I gotta tell ya, that bad 415 batch is what really made me freak too and stat searching for a new blend! I had some 415 I bought from MC back in January, and when stacien had trouble with hers, I started getting wick drowning trouble also! Now I am very close to a new wax formula, it combines 415 with 402 and a little Universal Soy Additive (which I shall hereby dub thee USA) so hopefully I can avoid any troubles when a batch of anything goes haywire.


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Ya know...I LOVE the wax. I love the candle it makes and it has an awesome hot/cold throw; but I am in constant state of worry with this wax because of what happened...I am seriously gun shy. Because it does make such a good candle for me, I deal with all the quirky things that go along with it. With that said (lol) I just ordered some other soy waxes to play with mixing along with the 415. It is just never ending! I am a perpetual tester. :laugh2:

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I had a problem last week was burning a candle I was messing with, same jar and wick I always use. But added some Votive blend chunkies, looked great but it was burning really hot. How could it be? Votive wax is harder to wick, needs a larger wick??? Oh no I just got my 1000 wicks in and they are all already in the large order I just finished. Stop, don't deliver, I'm gonna have to test. I think I'll be sick, did they send the wrong size wicks. Checked wax and they gave me two dates, darn, which one is good are they both good. 12-13-05 and 3-21-06 I use 435/415 with cotton seed. Anyone have trouble with these dates? My tester candles were ok so it had to be the votive wax that messed it up. It's just I start to get so depressed and want to quit..... Wouldn't it be nice if let's say CD wicks had a different color thread running through them to tell size.

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Even candlewick can box up the wrong wicks. How do I know? It happened to me in October. I thought I was crazy. Had to replace over 500 candles.(That was not fun and who knows how many candles I sold that had the bad wicks in them.) When candlewick tested the wicks they told me they were CD-10 not CD-12 and that they were sorry. Well that just pissed me off but what are you going to do??? I still buy from them I just test every new batch of wicks I get from them.

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