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Disposable Baby Wash Cloths


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This could get confusing and I apologize for that but . . . have you seen/used the Huggies (I think it's Huggies) disposable wash cloths (hand mitt)? My son has been using them on my granddaughter and loves how easy they are to bathe a squirmy 7-month-old, but, he said they seem to dry her skin out and asked me if I could make them using the soap that I make for her. I think it *might* be do-able IF I could find the source for the material used to make the *washcloth * (mitt) part of it. Does anyone have any clue where something like this could be found? Weird, I know, but if anyone has answers or suggestions, I know I'll find them here! Thanks in advance! :cheesy2:

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Those cloths are neat. I wonder if using those thin cleaning cloths would work. Let's see if I can describe them...used by restaurants and such...kind of red with a bit of a pattern to it. They can be washed a couple of times before wearing out. Maybe a restaurant supply store? My husband works for Gordon Food Service, and they sell them. They have stores called GFS Marketplace where anybody can go without a membership, they're just not national yet (except in Canada).

Some heavy duty paper towels might work, too. They're making ones that hold up better to water.

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Wow, if you figure this out, I hope you will share the "how-tos" of it! I'm expecting a new granddaughter in October and her mom is one who has to try everything new--and usually likes it and continues to buy it! I'd love to be able to do this and save them a little money--if I could only figure out how to make Alimentum formula (with their 19-month-old, she was on this formula that was about $8-$10/day!). Hopefully the new baby won't have as delicate a tummy as her big sis.

Man, can I get off the subject of what?!? Anyway, hope your creative mind can figure this one out.


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Wow - what a great idea, Accents! Like - Handi-wipes or something like that? I've seen them on the same aisle as paper towels, if we're talking about the same thing. Those would definitely work, I'm thinking. I think (feel free to jump in on my brain storming - everyone welcome! LOL) if I were to take 2 of them and cut out a mitt to fit a hand and add a little pouch to put a thin sliver of soap into it, it might work? It's worth a shot, I guess? Not sure how to incorporate soap into the whole thing like Huggies did, but this just might work out ok.

Alajane - I will definitely post once I try this and let ya know how it turned out - or didn't turn out. I've had a lot of fun making baby products for E'lise - she has her own line of personalized products including her own fragrance and my son will not use anything store-bought for her. She's actually my 5th grandchild but my other 4 live in Idaho and I don't get to see them that often so having E'lise so close and being the *chosen one* for all of her bath and body products is pretty special. :o

Forgot to say thank you, sorry! THANK YOU!

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OK--a question. If you're going to make a mitt with a pouch to insert a sliver of soap, why would the mitt need to be disposable? It sounds like a great idea to just make a mitt from a washcloth and make bunches of soap slivers for your son to insert one for each bath. Would that work?

Maybe it's because I don't like to sew, but the idea of making bunches of gloves (one per day!!) with slivers of soap is daunting! I had thought you were talking about maybe dipping the layer of "fabric" in soap and making it that way, but I don't see why the pouch-sliver method wouldn't work. And, for me, it's much more likely to get done than having to sew many multiples!

Let us know!


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You're right - I hate - no - I LOATHE sewing! Can you tell, I'm the type of person that gets a hair up my . . . you know, and I go off in all directions while I'm trying to figure out how to do it. Of course, I always seem to take the road with the most obstacles and go through all kinds of challenges until I finally figure out that it would have been easier to do it another way. Duh! Now I'm thinking maybe some terrycloth, shaped like a mitt with a pouch. Although I really love the idea of having the soap integrated right into the fabric portion for the disposable idea, I just can't figure out how to even begin with that. Maybe I should buy him a sponge and slice it and insert a chunk of soap and call it a day, huh? Oy! LOL

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Sorry, can't let you off that easy!! The sponge would be something to hold and defeat the purpose of the mitt!!:P

But I'm thinking, too, that if you use two washcloths, you could have the finished end of the washcloths at the wrist part, thereby eliminating the hemming step!! Can't wait to see how this turns out--and if you make a million bucks from it, I want a free mitt for my grandbaby!!!

Keep us informed of the progress.

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I have a 10 month old daughter and have been experimenting with doing something similar. I found that using those blue mechanic "shop" towels work really well and they are a really soft farbic. I have used them to make handmade baby wipes and love them! I think they would probably work for the kind of thing you are talking about, but they would be disposable.

I got a roll for $1 at Target.

Keep us posted on what you figure out! Linaya

Also, if any of you want the recipe for the handmade baby wipes (I also have made an adult version, PM me and be glad to give it to ya!)

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If you go with the non-disposable wash mitt, they already make cute washcloths for kids that you put your hand in. No sewing needed! We have a duck one, it's almost like a puppet. I don't do soap, but would there be a way to liquefy your soap, soak the cloth, and let it dry? If you sew something together, it would be real quick to just to a quick seam along the outside. You don't really need to put a thumb in it. You could do bunches at the same time. Sounds like a fun experiment! Can't wait to see how it turns out!

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I dont know about where you all are but here in Canada I can get the wash mits from the dollar store... ducks, frogs, fish and a few others... $1 each.. I am thinking of picking some new ones up and trying to incorporate the soap sliver idea into it... hummm wheels turning!!!

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Great idea! And I love the fact that they may be available at the Dollar Store--my favorite place!! I believe even I could handle sewing a little soap pouch on a pre-made washcloth--don't we get excited about simple things??


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I think I have seen them at dollar stores too. Not sure of their quality, but they're cute. I know Target has them with the purchase of a hooded towel. Then you'd have a matched set. :) You're going to have to post pictures, you know. ;)

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lol yep its my fav place to...and I agree i can handle sewing a little pouch on... the wash mits I have here are pretty good quality... wouldnt guess they are from the dollar store!! I will post pic as soon as I can devote some time to them... ah Nicholas is going to love it!!

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Wow! I love the Dollar Store! You guys are awesome - I knew I could find help here! Thank you! It's funny how sometimes the simplest things can get so darn complicated when you try to brainstorm an idea. I feel like such a dork now! LOL

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