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fbb oil separation

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I have to add the oils a bit at a time and mix it in with the mixer... seems to help.

I only mix mine with a mixer and it seperated days later...i dont want others to use it if thats what happens. those who can avoid this issue what do you do? or does it just always do this....i made something that wasn't a thick butter so it was great---real creamy and light except for this issue. :sad2:

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When I first started using FBB, I really had to play around with the amount of oil used. Using to much caused it to separate and using not enough caused it to be rock hard and like glue. I thought I was just going to give up and never use the stuff again, but I finally found a happy medium.

I use 1/2 lb FBB

1 oz oil ( I use SAO)

.125 to .25 FO

I whip with the whip attachment until nice and fluffy. THis can take up to 1/2 hour. I then add the fo and whip some more. I believe the whip attachment really helps.

I also do not like making this in huge batches since I have no need for that much. I don't sell this product, but I do like it and some of my family members like it too. I have also added about 1/3 c of sugar to the above recipes for sugar scrubs too.


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I only mix mine with a mixer and it seperated days later...i dont want others to use it if thats what happens. those who can avoid this issue what do you do? or does it just always do this....i made something that wasn't a thick butter so it was great---real creamy and light except for this issue. :sad2:

Just keep whipping it... I have to whip it for a really long time it seems. Total I probably whip it 30-40 minutes with slowly adding more and more oil. I have some I did a month ago and its not seperated at all.

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