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Bath accessories

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Im thinking about doing a co-op on the loofahs, puffs, massagers and such. Would anyone be interested in anything from here?


To see prices you just have to register. There are some really good prices, and shipping to me is pretty cheap.

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Make sure when you order you talk to someone who can tell you if the product is in or not.

I used to order from them all the time. They had a 3 pack scrunchie and case that was perfect for my stackers and I ordered about 5 cases of them (I had the extra money and we were selling them like crazy) and no one ever told me they were on backorder until about 2 weeks later.

They took my money the day of the sale and didn't say a word to me about backordering anything!! Then when I called, the rep told me that they were sorry, but that item was discontinued and shouldn't be on the site.

Needless to say the stupid thing never did go off the site (it is probably STILL listed), but I can never get them :(

They didn't seem too on top of their inventory & from what I gathered, they are a drop ship kind of place and don't have all their stuff in one place to keep close track.

HOWEVER - what I did get from them was very good quality & their prices are very reasonable.

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