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questions for testers

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Hello everyone

i was wondering if when you give your candles to friends or co-workers to test for you do you also give them a rate sheet ? did i say that right ?? what i would like to do is give a couple of candles and a couple of scents of tarts to a couple of ladies to test for me... i would also like to send a rating from 1-10 sheet but i just can't think of many questions to ask.. except .. how well did the candle perform ? how well did the candle burn ? and how was the hot throw of the candle while it was burning. can anyone think of other important questions that need to be answered while testing someones candle ??

thanks for your help on this one

ld :P

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What room will candle be tested in?

is the room small med or large

how far away were you from the candle when burning it

start and end time of each burn

was there a cold throw

how long did it take for a full melt pool to be acheived if any ( you will have to explain this)

how deep was the melt pool once it was acheived ( you will have to explain how to measure this)

how was the color, did it match the scent in your opinion

was there frosting or white spots on the surface after you burned it ( you will have to explain this)

did the wick mushroom (you will have to explain this)

if so did you trim your wick before the next burn

opinions on scent

is the candle appealing to look at

how does this candle compare to other candles that you have burned

would you spend money to buy one of my candles

(thats all I can think of off the top of my head)

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I do all the initial testing myself. Once I've decided on a wick, I sometimes give candles to family members to test, although I expect them to do only so much. I would rather not ask them to take down burn time or measure melt pool depth. It might be too much work for them or I might not trust their results :cheesy2:. I would, however, ask them about the scent throw and if they like the scent.

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I make two of everything. I test one myself first, just to make sure that the wick isnt too big and the jar doesnt get too hot.

Then the second one goes to a friend family etc. the people that test for me are always thrilled to do it. They dont mind meauring stuff etc. As long as they get to burn a candle for free. I do however ask for the jar back.

before i get someone to test I let them know upfront that they will have to fill out a survey/evaluation and its something that takes time. I let them know that they MUST be able to be near the candle for four hours while burning. So if someone doesnt like it or doesnt have time then they cant test my candles. :cool2:

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We used a sheet that someone here posted. It is revised a bit...hope it helps!

Candle Tester Worksheet

Name of tester: _________________________________________________________________

Date candle given for testing: __________________________Date test started: _______

Size of candle: _______________________________

What type of container? _______________________

Approx size of room? Small Medium Large

Thank you so much for agreeing to test our candles. It is so important to us that you give us your honest opinion – that way, we can keep improving our products! Using the following instructions will greatly help us assess the quality of this particular candle:

First Burn – please burn the candle for three hours.

Second Burn – before you start the second burn, trim the wick(s) back to ¼ “.

Consecutive Burns – continue trimming the wicks before each burn.

During these burns, please do not move the jar while lit or wipe out the inside of the jar if soot forms.

Test Times:

_____ to _____, _____ to _____, _____ to _____, _____ to _____, _____ to _____, _____ to _____

This scent may or may not be a favorite of yours, but we need to know what you think of the strength of the scent throw: Is it: Light Medium Strong

Is the candle appealing to look at? Yes / No Comments ______________________________________

Comments after three hour burn time:

How long after lighting did you notice the hot throw (scent)? __________

Does the scent fill the room of testing? Yes No

Does the scent travel into other rooms? Yes No

Full melt pool (melted wax reaching completely across jar) was achieved in______ hours. Was not achieved_________ Explain. ________________________________________________________

Did the wick mushroom on the first burn?_____ Second burn? _____ Other burns _____

Did you notice:

No scent throw _____

Hang up of wax on side of container (wax did not melt completely down the sides) _____

Tunneling (wax just melted around wick and down to bottom of jar) _____

Off center wick _____

Soot (black around the sides of the jar) Yes No If yes, was it: Light Medium Dark Very Dark

Container is very hot (too hot to touch comfortably) _____.

Flame drowned _____

Flame too large _____

Flame too small _____

Others ________________________________________________________________

Did other people comment on the candle? Yes No

Date test was completed? ____________________

Grade candle on scent throw: Cold_______ Hot______

Grade candle scent: Popular, Okay, Didn't like it, Hated it!

Final comments for this candle?

For us to be able to keep the testing process going, we will need this candle returned to us in no more than two weeks.


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I do all the initial testing myself. Once I've decided on a wick, I sometimes give candles to family members to test, although I expect them to do only so much. I would rather not ask them to take down burn time or measure melt pool depth. It might be too much work for them or I might not trust their results :cheesy2:. I would, however, ask them about the scent throw and if they like the scent.

This is how I do it now too....because scents that did not do well for me and 1-2 of my testers...the rest seem to love. But I figured it out...they wanted to be good friends with me and get free candles. Now I do the initial burns and then send it off to my other testers for their opinions.

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