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Well...I'll be damned!!!

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I got my rustic with 1343! ON ACCIDENT!! I was making a chunk candle..and one of the reasons I bought 1343 is because they're good for chunk candles. So, I did my overpour with it, poured at 160 into a room temp mold, and towards the end, I put it in the fridge for about 10 mins and then the freezer for 5 and out came a rustic chunky! I didnt add anything to the overpour, just plain 1343, not even any FO. So, what I have been doing wrong I guess, its pouring too cool. I poured at 150 and then tried 145 and neither of them worked, but the 160 did. I even talked to the owner of Lone Star Candle Supply today and he said to pour a lil hotter to avoid the surface pits that I was getting but he was referring to a different type of wax. Anyway, just wanted to tell you guys the good news! Now I have to try a regular rustic, no chunks and see if it comes out the same way! I'll post a pic when I can, hubby is using the computer right now.

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You know I'm not sure that's exactly the right conclusion. The chunks cool the overpour down very quickly - it's just like pouring into a container full of ice cubes. So really it's rustic because the wax was pretty cold. That happens with chunkies all the time unless you do the overpour hot and maybe even heat gun the outside of the mold a bit.

I would guess that you still might get some rustic effect if you do it at 160 like you were saying, but most people pour closer to 150 using 1343 so I wonder why you weren't having luck with that.

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Yes, I have some Astorlite Q which is a container wax and I also have some Astorlite F..both are feathery waxes. I love the Q...i just poured my first jar of it yesterday. I made sure the jar was squeaky clean and heated it, poured the wax at around 160 and it turned out great! 2 days now and not a single wet spot! I love these waxes, although its hard to wick them.

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