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Hey all I got my website back up and I am in the process of editing it. If you want to take a look and tell me what you think I would appreciate it. I can't get my old logo on there because it says .com and I lost my .com in ciber space for the next 60 days.. so I have to go with .net..darn it.

Anyway. If any boo boos jump out at you let me know. I have not activated it yet so no one can buy anything but is out there on the net..still have to link paypal to it and set up my domain email addys...but I can't do that till I pay..and there is no use in paying until it is ready.

Constructive critizism accepted :P

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It looks GREAT!!! Easy to navigate, easy to read fonts & colors. All categories are explained. Terrific descriptions of products. You have so many wonderful different candles to choose from. Those gift baskets look amazing! I love the: Meet the Chandler. I love the way you represent yourself whe you wrote:

All our products are made by hand with love. We are proud of our products and know you will be too. Our line of highly scented soy blend wax candles, and Room & Linen Spray will give your home a wonderful fragrance. Once you try our line of products, you will come back again and again to "Pamper" Yourself or Someone You Love.

Just reading that makes you want to try your stuff! You send out a positive, confident, "try-me-you'll-love-me" type message.

The only thing I would make any comment about, is minor & regarding the Scent Descriptions page: Sometimes its easier to look through a list if they are listed in alphabetical order.........especially if you have those people who know exactly what they like already & just skim up & down the list looking for what they already know & like. Otherwise: B R A V O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A masterpiece! Good luck to you!!! You seem to have a large selection of so many wonderful products. You will no doubt do very well!!! BRAVO:yes:

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Thanks! Yea I know I have to alphabetize my scent page..it is on my to do list..and that is one that will take a while so I am doing all the quick stuff first..lol..and going back to make sure everything is cohesive(sp?).. all the font is the same..headings are same size etc..

I had the opportunity one day at work to listen to talk radio live on the internet while I was sanning a HUGE document into the computer and they were talking about packaging and websites..and branding etc.. very interesting.. and I got some pointers.. I am going with the veranda font and I need to transfer that to my biz cards etc.. I got some freebies from vista print in a few different styles and I am trying to decide which one matches my biz. Boy is it hard to decide. ok..I am rambling and it is only 8:15am.. lol..gotta go make breakfast and go to Walmart with the kids.

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