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Coconut milk CP and gel...


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I have a 3 lb batch that I threw together tonight. Used 1/2 water 1/2 liquid coconut milk (full fat) partially frozen, low temp oils. Came together beautifully :) Even had enough time to do a 2 color swirl - scented SWs pomegranate. Used my upland silicone lined log mold, top off no extra insulation. It's gelled pretty quickly and doesn't look too hot yet, but it's only been maybe 2hrs. If I pop it in the fridge now, would it finish gelling without overheating??

I really hope this one turns out the way I think it might!!

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LOL - nevermind... jumped the gun 'cuz I was so excited about my first time doing swirls using a method other than "in the pot". As soon as I took the top off it slowed down, so I'm gonna skip the fridge and let it rest over night.

Also used my Misty Creek slab mold tonight and divided it so I could do 2 one pound batches. One was SWs white peach, the other SWs black raspberry vanilla. Tried my hand at swirls in a slab baby! It set up a bit quicker than I would have liked since I was trying to manage two FOs and 3 swirl colors - whew!

Gotta recharge my camera batteries so I can post pics for y'all!

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