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Hello all hope everyone is doing good.

I just wanted to know how website sales are doing. What are everyones % of sales in one month from your website.

I've had a web site for about a month maybe a little shorter just wanted to know if im just getting worried for nothing. I have been getting orders but not as many as i tought i would. I guess i tought the world wide web you would be flowing in the orders. But they are trickling in lol. I decided to start doing shows but worried on what kind of table i should set up. I have been setting up a table in my work room but i feel im missing a few things should i get fake flowers and lay them around the table. just worried i jumped into things to fast lol. I love my candles they are very good i get alot of repeat customers but not like i thought on the web. im getting the beginners blues lol.

Is there slow months good months. Should i add products. I dont want to add things and not sell them. If i sell wickless candles should i also add warmers. I want to add aroma candles but i wanted to sell the wickless one's but not sure if i should sell warmers. if so who nows a good place to get them. And should i sell tart warmers? And votive glasses or should i wait till i get more from my site?????

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It's normal for the orders not to be pouring in when it has only been a month. It takes more time than that for people to find out about you. Even when they do, they may not be ready to buy right away as they may have recently stocked up on other things.

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There is a ton of competition on the internet for candles, including soy candles. How do you envision others finding you amongst hundreds of other sites? How do you differentiate yourself?

It takes time and lots of work to make your site friendly to search engines, and to find your niche.

Took me 6 months before I got my first "stranger" (i.e. unknown to me) order. :)

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From what I am gathering, web sales are kinda slow for everyone right now.... some sites are doin ok, but those have more than likely been around for a couple of years.... I have had my site since Feb, and sales are definately slow..... but I sort of expected that to happen..anyway, it definately takes alot of work to get your name out there.. good luck

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:shocked2: Hi thank you all for your responces i guess it's a waiting game now but we are hopeful im willing to do more link exchange if intrested email me



Im doing a car show in two weeks nothing big my town started cruise night and i got a table just to dry run craft shows. so since it's a car show i bought some car molds and the firecompany is involved to so i got firetruck molds been making them.How much candles should i make i have the 12oz 8oz and now 6oz jars i was going to make 2 of each sice in 7 diffrent fragrances does that sound about good or should i make more of the 6oz jars or 8oz jars or both lol to bring parents to the table im going to sell the light neckalaces there were alot of kids there last last time. My daughter and her friends are going to help so even if i dont do good i will have a good time with them they get me going:yay: :yay: :highfive: . lol they are 12 year old comidians plus i should do ok this is a small town everyone knows everyone so we'll see just worried lol thats all i do now a days.

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Do you make car/air fresheners? If not, you need to start in time for this car show--they sell very well at things like this! In fact, for some reason I really don't like making them but they're selling great for me right now and every time I get an order for one I wish it was a candle!



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I have slower periods, then all at once my customers gang up on me and drop a buncha orders in my lap ALL IN THE SAME DAY OR TWO. Pretty sure they are planning this behind my back just to drive me batty. :laugh2:

The same thing happens to me!! I think they're ganging up on us!!;)

Jaimenic - Be patient...The web orders will be a little slow right now, but they will come. Especially once you start getting yourself out there more. Once those orders start rolling in, you'll be amazed!

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Thank you all for your responces i feel so much better plus i showed it to my husband and now he isnt mad at me anymore because when i came up with selling on the web i guess i over did it will telling him its worth the money and we will make it back and more you know when you try to convince you other i guess he thought the minute i post my web they will flow in i guess i made it sound like that so he has been on my case about it but know you all shut him up for me thank you. really thank you he shut up right away lol. thank god

but everyone was very nice thanks.

one more question????

I know there are a few ways to make the air fresheners buy the pads that absorb the fo but i ws thinking about the hanging bags how would i go about making them please let me know next month i would love to have them at cruise night.

I really love coming to this message bord everyone is very helpful andc understanding.

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