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wel I got myself into a fine mess...

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Ive been working on my candles for a year and playing with what I would want to put in a cadle line down in the future, my sister has been after me to let her sell at work so I decided that I could sell tarts and the candes I have been working on and burning at home, these are scents that I have been working on from the start and have been burning in my home for no less then 5 months.

I made her some pamplets with the tart scents ( I have tons of scents in these) the few candles scents (10 ) I feel secure in. In the pamplet I described myself as a new candlemaker that would be adding more scents in the future as I felt sure of thier quility, I gave her samples of both. I explained to her that they where the only ones I would sell for the time being and as I added more I would make her new lists.

She then went to work and sold quite a lot of tarts and candles, then she told these ladies I could make them the candles in the tart scents that I havent even put in container wax yet for myself let alone sell, and came home with all kinds of orders making promises to bring them in 2 weeks,that I refuse to fill.

I have only myself to blame I know, there is no way Ill pour them. Im thinking of once agin writting some kind of letter and explaining again that I cant sell, only the ones listed.

Lessons learned... I will never let myself be rushed again, I will never assume that just putting something in writting means it will be read and understood.

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it's not so bad...just explain to your sister what you already told her, and what was in the brochure, and the people who ordered what you do not offer, can change their order. If I had ordered something and was told to look again at the brochure, it wasn't available, I would just choose something else. You can't be everything to everyone. Just be true to yourself. You are doing the right thing, and i think 10 scents are plenty to choose from.:cool2:

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This happens to me all the time. I just explain that i don't carry those but if I do in the future I will let them know

Absolutely! It's an opportunity to start a contact list for future orders through product updates/promotions, Dixiegal. :)

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I would write a letter to and tell them that you don't feel comfortable selling them container candles that you haven't tested, and explain why you need to test, example: so they wont burn down your house, lol or even though they might smell really good in a tart they might smell different in a container.

I'm sure they'll totally understand, and also mention that your sister must of got confused when she told them the information so that your sister doesn't look like a big liar.

I would also mention that when you have tested the FO that you will keep them updated, like someone else mentioned get their contact info so you can update them.

Mindy :)

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I guess its not as bad of a mess as I think huh? I just want to do this right and build a good business. We all want that:cheesy2: I'll explain to sis again and add a letter for her to take to work with her. Thanks everyone

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I would look at the scents that were ordered and make a list for those to be your next testers and then let the people know that currently those have not been tested or gone through quality control, but as soon as they are available you will contact them, but that currently what is available in the brochure has gone through rigorous testing and met your quality control standards.

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