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But I am gonna ask it anyway :P If you cut some some soap from a log and each bar weighs approx 5 oz now when it cures will the final weight be less? I am thinking it will but just had to ask.

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I find the bars shrink the most in the first 3-4 weeks, but a band will still get looser at 6-7 weeks. Most people don't wait quite that long if they're selling. Depends on status of trace when you pour too - light trace will take longer to cure than a really heavy trace.

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Well, I also count "curing" as more saponifing happening. When you pour at light trace, or even just an emulsion, you don't have as many soap molecules as you do when you pour at thick trace. So sap is happening longer during the cure, and the bar is getting harder as more soap molecules are getting created. I know some bars I've poured at really thin trace have taken 6-7 weeks to harden up, and it's my standard recipe. Something's going on in that time.

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Sure does make sense. My very first batch was really soft. I has the 1st time jitters and was checking 3 times a day wondering if they would ever get hard. Well I left them alone for a couple of weeks ( just turning them so they kept their shape) and they are hardening.

I'm learning to be patient.

edit for typo

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