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need help changing a recipe..


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i am trying to substitute one oil for another because it is all i hve

here are the numbers

hardness 33

cleansing 21

condition 62

bubbly lather 21

creamy lather 12

iodine 80

new to this and these numbers are driving me crazy btw this is a soap for teen skin

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sorry guys heres the oils olive oil 30% palm kernal 30% grapeseed 20% and flaxseed 10% the recipe called for rice bran but i dont have it, just wondering if i could use flaxseed instead

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I'm sorry, I totally skipped over where you already had olive in there.. But yes, I'd up the olive. Lower your grapeseed to under 10% to keep from getting a super soft bar. You have any lard or palm we could toss in the mix?

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Ok. have learned that too much flax is soap doesn't make it better as it has an INS of negative 6 and is prone to rancidity.

If it were me, I'd start here and reformulate as necessary. Your INS number is still lower that I normally use, but the rest of the numbers are good!

Palm Kernal 30%

Grapeseed 10%

Flax 10%

Olive 25%

Palm (or Lard) 25%

Plug those in and tell me what ya think...

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A well rounded bar is supped to be a 145-165. The numbers are derived from the sap's and iodine values. Just another general range to try and get the soap to! It's enough to drive ya crazy making all the numbers look good!

But honestly, I'd soap it with these numbers!

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I've heard of some Indian stores or health food stores that carry it but I've had no luck with it. Maybe someone else will read up and show us both something totally different! Can't wait to read this thread in the morning! I'm off to bed, have a great night!

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I agree with Bunnygirl, latch. I'd decrease the amount of soft (liquid) oils a bit and bump up the hard oils with some palm or lard. You only have 30% hard oils in there (the pko) and the rest soft (I'm assuming the missing 10% is the gso), so that might make your soap a bit on the soft side if you don't increase hard oils a bit. I like to shoot for 40%-60% hard oils. HTH

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