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Thinking of switching to 1274

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Hi all

I've been a faithful user of 1343 for many years and normally love it. however, i have received 2 shipments in a row from different suppliers that just don't mottle at all (i think it is actually 4625 or some other pre-blend) or very well (looks more like the N version, but says A on the box). That's all another long story, so i won't get into it.:lipsrseal

so, because i am having problems, i am thinking of switching to 1274. i hate the thought of having to re-test everything tho! i barely have enough time to make some candles as it is. :embarasse

anyways....i did a search and found that some people are using it. can anyone compare it to 1343 for me? i like the 1343 for its versatility in making rustics, mottles and just plain solid colors. is the 1274 as versatile? do flat ply wicks work well (if not, i might have a lot of flat ply's in the classifieds!) and is it easy to wick (i can use the same wick for all fos)? how is the hot and cold throw in comparison? any other thoughts about it?

i've done a search to find suppliers close that are cheap and i can get it for about the same as the 1343.

any comments are greatly appreciated!

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It's a wonderful wax and you can't go wrong with it. It mottles like a dream and makes beautiful rustics. I used it for quite a while, but recently switched to 4045H simply because I could get it cheaper and the shipping was much less.

I used 3 tablespoons of stearic as an additive (and some UV) but that's it other than FO.

I'd go back to it in a heartbeat if I could get it closer to me. Everywhere I checked wants at least $30 to ship one case, whereas I can get the 4045H for $12 shipping.

I don't use the wicks you asked about, but I did find that wicking the 1343 and wicking the 1274 was identical. I used the same wick in both and got the same burn....


Edited to add - hot throw is better than 1343...it can hold a little more FO, which seems to make all the difference. (just my opinion! I know a lot of people here use 1343 and I'm not insulting it! Just stating how it worked for me).

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Like most things, I think you're just going to have to try it and see how it works for you. It all depends on how you use it. It has the potential of being an excellent wax for certain purposes, with a nice mottle and finish, but you'll have to get used to it. For instance, whether it holds more FO or less than 1343 varies a lot from oil to oil. Certain ones will make it mottle so madly with the amounts you may be accustomed to using that it will bleed like a stuck pig and produce a lousy finish. It's always a tricky balancing act with mottles and I guess you could say 1274 is a more "sensitive" wax in this respect. It's also less translucent than 1343.

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Actually I didn't think the 1274 threw better than 1343 at all and I found that M38 threw better than the 1274. Guess it's just a personal preference thang.

I keep meaning to try this wax. WSP had it on clearance really cheaply and I almost bought a couple of cases, but chickened out because I didn't know how well it worked.

I'll have to look around and see if any of the suppliers close by carry it. It's always fun playing with the mottling waxes :)


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I've been a faithful user of 1343 for many years and normally love it. however, i have received 2 shipments in a row from different suppliers that just don't mottle at all (i think it is actually 4625 or some other pre-blend) or very well (looks more like the N version, but says A on the box).

The same thing just happened to me. I bought a slab of what was clearly marked IGI 1343. But I'm sure it's 4625 preblend. It's opaque and white, and it makes creamy pillars without my using additives. Somebody must have screwed up over at the IGI factory and mis-labeled a whole batch.

BTW, I prefer 1274 for mottles, rustics, and chunkies. I think it's more consistent than 1343.

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thanks all for the replies. i guess i'll break down and order some so i can start testing.

devra....we must have the same wax! mine produces the most perfect solid colored candles with no additives. works really great for that, just not mottling and that is what most people want.

thanks again!

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