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what would happen


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1. Nothing would happen. Ok, your skin might dry out a little if you use it before it's 3 days old. Your bar would also dissolve faster. Curing gives it time for the extra water to evaporate and create a longer, milder bar.

2. It might seperate, and for some reason take longer to cure.

3. They don't have to be exactly the same. I use room temp lye water and keep my oils about 120. Ok, I did it that way.. lol. Now, I get my lye water ready, melt my oils, and when they are both just barely warm to the touch I soap. Only time I take a temp is if I'm using a finicky FO/EO.


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I once threw a whole batch of soap out because it didn't trace. Made the exact same recipe the same night, it didn't trace again (duh) and I decided I was NOT gonna toss another one. Threw it in the mold, went to bed, and in the morning TADA! I had soap!! Made me furious with myself for tossing the previous one, but ahh well.. live and learn eh?

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