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i have my domain now what

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I just got my domain name registered with Yahoo today! its already up and running. I typed in the ulr but it says that this site is under construction.

my qustion is to those or u that do your own site, how hard is it set up yourself. I am somewhat familiar with HTML codes. I know nothing about CSS codes though. Where do you get your graphics and do you have to pay for them . If i decided to do this myself will i have to creat my own HTML codes? How do I get to the "back office" of my site to start doing work on it?

Thanks guys!

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I set up mine with Create a shoppe they have 2 different monthly plans one about 10 dollars the other about 20 which has alot more features. The one that is 10 comes with already made webset templates that you can use and all you need to do is add your info and products. The other you have to build the webset yourself or buy a webset to use...but the guidelines are really simple and you can work on all of your site info from the admin area any time you want. I will pm you the link if you want it..dont know the rules about posting that stuff here. You can look at my site if you want so you can see what type of service it is. http://www.blazingwicks.com Let me know if you need any help.;) Amanda

I forgot to add that you dont need any HTML experience at all, it is very easy DIY setup to use.

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If you don't know HTML or PHP, you will definitely be paying someone to do your work for you. Unfortunately, that cost might be prohibitive.

We were lucky enough to get a storefront included with our hosting service, so it was pushbutton simple for us to get started. I've made all of the customizations and changes to our site myself and I'm proud of that. It's still not perfect. Looks a bit too stock, but I know what it takes to get to the next step. I know enough about scripting languages to be dangerous, but I've picked up enough PHP along the way that I can make site changes myself and not worry about paying one of my extremeties to an outside coder.

Your best bet is to see a website that you like, study the layout, the shopping cart, the graphics, etc and then do your best to model your new site after that one without being a direct duplicate. If there are templates out there, you should investigate those too. It would definitely save you time and money over starting from scratch.

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And aside from the terrific suggestions already listed here, you could opt to give website-building a try yourself since you say you're familiar with html. You could do a google search for "free web template" and just start browsing at the literally ga-zillions of free websites out there for you to download, customize with your information/pics/shopping cart/etc and then upload the whole thing to your web host. You don't have to use css to use a template. Most prefer css because it eliminates the need for repeating yourself when customizing page after page, but it can definitely be confusing if you've never used it before. You WILL need an html editor of some sort if you truly want to be able to do this yourself, because otherwise you'll pull all of your hair out. I use Dreamweaver, but there's free ones out there that work just as well.

It's been a while since I've fooled with templates, but if I remember correctly, the only price you "pay" for them is in the form of either displaying the original designer's logo somewhere on the site (it's usually tiny), or giving credit somewhere at the bottom of the page in the form of a link. Hope this info helps you a little! Good luck with whichever way you decide to go!

OH...P.S. You asked about getting to your site's "Back Office". Technically, you don't have a back office at the moment. There's no site at all or anything that goes with it...until you upload something. For instance, to get a shopping cart on your website, you'll need to set that up yourself by adding lines of html code next to each product on your individual pages, then upload all pages to your host. Then, depending on which cart you've decided to use, you'll need to follow whatever steps they give you for reaching an admin area or back office. BUT...if you're talking about your control panel for your website, you CAN get to that. Your host should've emailed your information to you about how to get in there, and if not, contact them and they'll help you.

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thanks guys, Michelle I will explore yahoo alittle more and see what I can come up with. they emailed me a conformation that my domain name was up and running but nothing else. Ill go over the email again maybe i missed something.

Ill definatly take you up on your offer if I have any issues it seems like you know alittle more than me :wink2:

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Since you know html you could start creating the pages. You can view them locally until they're ready or almost ready. No sense signing up for web hosting until they're almost ready to go, or else you'll be paying the monthly fee for nothing.

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