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Wick Question

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Where do you get insurance?! I understand why it is neccesary but I know people that sell candles in mass at craft fairs etc and don't have it so for a small home buisness that is only making about $40 or less a month do we really need it?!

Totally ignorant to assume you don't need insurance because you know others that don't have it!! Being brand spanking new to the craft and selling immediately is also totally ignorant without thoroughly testing. If your funds are limited, you picked the wrong hobby!! As a chandler, you have a responsibility to ALL of your customers and testers to put out the best and safest product. You obviously don't get why testing or insurance is so important and don't need anyone's advice,since your 'supplier' knows everything......sooooooo don't ask here anymore if you don't think you're gonna like the answers. Most on this board won't tolerate anyone selling an unsafe product without proper testing and that's the category you fall into!! So buh-bye and when you need another question answered......call your supplier!!! :P

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No offense but she could be selling those candles from the get rich quick site that pre package everything and do all of the testing for her. Which then it really isnt a hobby and she is getting a canned product with no life of its own and originality. She is just selling the same thing others do (she just puts it together). I dunno but i have been doing this for 1 week and already would be leary if i didnt test anything and just poured in a jar and sent it out the door with a price tag.

So far in the week i have done it. The wick size i was told to use worked "fine" but i found by testing another that produces a better throw and looked better.

So far in a week due to my own testing i found out the recomended coloring was "fine" but due to some experimenting my color combo looks better and got more compliments.

So far in a week i found that using less scent made a better candle than more scent

I also found out some tricks like doing a double melt did a nice job making the tops look great.

I found out that using too small of a wick caused a horrible looking candle top.

I know others will laugh at me but if just in a week i figure this little out i can only imagine in a year what things will look like. I also will look at insurance cause god only can imagine if someones kid lights their house on fire due to my candle or heck my own house burns down due to my own candle. I also figure once my pool of 10 people love every candle i make then it will be time to start small with them and word of mouth. For me i want to grow as slow as possible since you can produce a better product growing very fast is very bad for a company.

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