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confused about whipped topping!

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When I first started making candles, I researched for months and months before I actually made the first one. I found a site that gave suggestions on making the "whipped" topping look, and it suggested using a tbs. of corn starch in the wax before whipping. I made the candle and it looked great. I have not made any in a while that needed the "topping" and then received a couple of orders for some. Needless to say, they have turned out gross! Just last night I found a site that didn't say anything about cornstarch and just suggested whipping the wax when it has started cooling. Any suggestions on this? I don't know why it would turn out okay once and then not the next two times I tried it??? Thanks so much for the help!


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Whipped wax is not too hard. The first time I tried it I just used my big pour pot because they said it can be messy and and you need a deep container, you just whip till it's the consistency you want and then spoon it on...my drink candle looked great, just too bad it wouldn't burn lol. Wasn't because of the whipped wax though!

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I never add anything to the wax either - but do find different waxes perform differently when whipped. Are you using the same wax as before? The lower melt-point waxes give a "creamier" result, IMHO.

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I use regular pillar wax (my preference ok 6228), pour the amount I need into a deep bowl, let it cool until a film has formed on the top, use an electric mixer with the whisk attachment, and beat until it is the consistency I want. I have never added anything else to the wax (except fo).....If I do a topping type whipped wax, I use a spoon to 'glob' (nice technical word...lol :cool2: ) it on.


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