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Enchina Scent?

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Hi, I'm puzzled with this one. My Aunt claims that years back she had a candle that was labled Enchina. She Loved It! It says it comes from a root used in medicine and patent medicine. She can't remember where she got it or anything else, but [Wants More Ha!]

I have read everything I could find on it, everything that has this in it, but I can't find it in a fragrance that I could use to make a candle with. Help! Thanks, Kim.

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Could have been echinacea??

Resembling a black-eyed Susan, echinacea or purple coneflower is a North American perennial that is indigenous to the central plains where it grows on road banks, prairies, fields and in dry, open woods. It is also called snake root because it grows from a thick black root that Indians used to treat snake bites.

Herbalists consider Echinacea one of the best blood purifiers and an effective antibiotic. It activates the body's immune system increasing the chances of fighting off any disease. This popular herb has been used to help ward off the common cold and to relieve the symptoms of hay fever.

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Just me again. I was really happy. I did find Enchinacea from my last reply, but I also found that the shipping was as much , equal to the item which was rather high. Like $9.00 to $9.00. Don't get me wrong, I was very pleased to find it, but still on the lookout for at least better shipping. I don't know why they do this! Thanks for finding it for me though.

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