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I was in a store where they had bath bombs that had a rose bud peeking out of the top. The sales person said that they "bloomed" once the bomb dissolved. Have any of you heard of these or seen them? Does anyone know where you would get the rose bud?




Oh, please don't give me another bomb thingy to become obsessed with:cheesy2:

I put scrunch rose buds on the end of one of mine, but they don't bloom. Did you buy one to try out and see if it really happened? I am skeptical of things that make those kind of claims so usually end up buying and trying, they get me one way or another:undecided



I guess I'll have to spend the money and get one (CAD$6.50 plus tax for one)! I found it in Toronto in the tiniest little store called Sapon.

I did buy their body scrub. It was great... Off to try replicate it!



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