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Show competition, I need to vent a little....

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I am working on my 4th show for November. I've had the venue nailed down for about a month and have already started getting vendors. There's a lady I know who is doing her second show and is planning hers the week before mine at the same venue. (Just a little background...I went to her first show and it didn't go well at all. She had 15 vendors cramped in an ITTY BITTY room, there wasn't a great turnout and she had a vendor there who sold adult stuff. Personally, I didn't like this because there were a good number of kids who came through.)

So, anyway...With her trying to have her show the week before me, I need to work even harder to make mine the BEST. I already have the following things planned....

- There will be 70 vendors, tables and chairs will be provided

- I'll be providing food for the vendors

- There will be entertainment (face painting and a caricature artist)

- I'm doing prize giveaways and a raffle

- The event will also be well advertised (It'll go into the Washington Post, a VERY large paper that more than 500,000 will read), it'll also be advertised in some smaller local papers, on the radio, online and flyers will be distributed.

I'm hoping that with all of this and the great vendors I'm getting, my show will be a another huge success.

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Sounds like you've got a solid plan, and have covered your bases. As long as it's billed as *THE* show to attend, and you've got good PR, it should blow the competition away. Wishing you the best...and please let us know how it goes! :)

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How about door prizes for the guests.

I attend a show that is just about that size. They have each vendor donate a door prize(if they want)

They then put pumpkins(its an October show) on the floor with numbers. They use a PA system and say..."EVERYONE FIND A PUMPKIN!" They then draw a number and that person wins the door prize. The customers LOVE this..they are all having fun..in a good mood and they BUY!!

Everyones Happy!

I love this show! Not to mention they have the yummiest food vendors!

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I think another great thing to offer vendors...is bathroom relief. So if there's someone that can go around and watch booth spaces while allowing the vendors to take a quickie.

Overall, you'll do wonderful! Sounds like you're headed in the right direction and will blow her away.

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I am doing door prizes.

I LOVE the pumpkin idea. Maybe I'll use turkeys or something instead of pumpkins.

How about door prizes for the guests.

I attend a show that is just about that size. They have each vendor donate a door prize(if they want)

They then put pumpkins(its an October show) on the floor with numbers. They use a PA system and say..."EVERYONE FIND A PUMPKIN!" They then draw a number and that person wins the door prize. The customers LOVE this..they are all having fun..in a good mood and they BUY!!

Everyones Happy!

I love this show! Not to mention they have the yummiest food vendors!

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Organize a group to help the vendors carry their product.It could be a good fund raising vehicle for a church group or H.S. Most vendors would happily pay a small amount and love you for the consideration. Just my thoughts.

I've been thinking about doing something like this. The door that the vendors pull their cars up to is about 10 feet from the door to the room we'll be in. Would that be a waste to have helpers for that little distance?

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I've been thinking about doing something like this. The door that the vendors pull their cars up to is about 10 feet from the door to the room we'll be in. Would that be a waste to have helpers for that little distance?

One door? That they all can't get close to at the same time? YUP!

I've only been to one show that had helpers and it was such a blessing - I wasn't wore out before the show even started!

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One door? That they all can't get close to at the same time? YUP!

I've only been to one show that had helpers and it was such a blessing - I wasn't wore out before the show even started!

There are 3 sets of double doors to come into the hotel and 4 sets of double doors to get into the ballroom where the show will be.

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Personally, I love it when there is help to carry in and carry out all those heavy boxes of candles.

Nice to have a coffee cart brought around before the first morning, when we're adding those last minute touches to our booths.

Also, one of the promoters I use always does a small "goodie" bag for the vendors - a small notepad, pen, 2 or 3 miniature candy bars, tax chart, application for the next show, etc.

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Personally, I love it when there is help to carry in and carry out all those heavy boxes of candles.

Nice to have a coffee cart brought around before the first morning, when we're adding those last minute touches to our booths.

Also, one of the promoters I use always does a small "goodie" bag for the vendors - a small notepad, pen, 2 or 3 miniature candy bars, tax chart, application for the next show, etc.

I contacted the local boy scout group yesterday and they jumped at the chance to help and to use the event as a fundraiser for them, so that's all set.

There will be pastries, coffee, juice for the vendors during set-up.

Everyone will get a goodie bag. For the last show I did, everyone got a bag w/ their name on it (It served as the "place card" for their table as well), and inside it had 2 bottles of water and a few miniature candy bars. They loved it!

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Personally, I love it when there is help to carry in and carry out all those heavy boxes of candles.

Nice to have a coffee cart brought around before the first morning, when we're adding those last minute touches to our booths.

Also, one of the promoters I use always does a small "goodie" bag for the vendors - a small notepad, pen, 2 or 3 miniature candy bars, tax chart, application for the next show, etc.

I am organizing a show in June also.

Great idea with the goodie bag! :grin2: I think I'll use that one. I already have some handouts, etc., and a contract to sign. Contract just states basics like if they do damage to the room, start a fire, etc., that they are responsible. Also a questionaire for them to fill out and turn into me at the end of the show- what they liked/didn't like about the show, could be done next time to improve, etc. I can put goodie bag and paperwork together.

Any ideas of other little things for free or low cost that I could put in goodie bags?

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I am organizing a show in June also.

Great idea with the goodie bag! :grin2: I think I'll use that one. I already have some handouts, etc., and a contract to sign. Contract just states basics like if they do damage to the room, start a fire, etc., that they are responsible. Also a questionaire for them to fill out and turn into me at the end of the show- what they liked/didn't like about the show, could be done next time to improve, etc. I can put goodie bag and paperwork together.

Any ideas of other little things for free or low cost that I could put in goodie bags?

Are you giving them the contract the day of the show? You may want to have some kind of registration form for them to sign up for the show and with it include some verbage about damage, theft, etc. That way it's signed and taken care of before your show.

I got the candy at my local dollar store and each vendor (38 in all) had a few pieces in their bag. I also, got the water on sale, each vendor had 2 bottles.

Are you having a raffle of any kind, maybe give each vendor a "FREE" raffle ticket.

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Ooh yeah, we're having a raffle- that's a good one to give each vendor a free ticket. And I like the bottles of water, too- although we're buying water/soda to sell, I may just give them a ticket for a free "drink". Hmm...

They get a copy of the contract emailed or mailed to them prior to the show, and they are supposed to read and return a signed copy to me when they check in. But for my last 2 shows that I sent this ahead of time, y'know how many brought a signed copy with them? One. Total- out of both shows. :rolleyes2 So I always have a copy for everyone to sign in their packet, and a copy for them to keep.

I'll hit the dollar store too- good idea. ;) I'm just trying to keep costs down as this is a fundraiser show, and I am donating all funds from table fees to the organization. So any "freebies" are coming out of my pocket.

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Since it's a fundraiser, try contacting some local businesses, cleaners, sub/sandwich shops, hair or nail shops, day spas, etc. and see if they'd be willing to donate something. Maybe the sandwich shop could donate food for the vendors at least. Some of them may donate a gift card/certificate. I wouldn't ask establishments that are chains, unless it's something fairly small. Definitely not some place like Starbucks.

What organization are you supporting?

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We're asking local businesses to donate to the raffle. Maybe I can get them to donate something for the vendors too- even something like a coupon? I dunno. Ooh, maybe I'll send something out to the vendors too asking if they want to donate to vendor goodie bags- even something like a coupon for purchases on the day of the event. Get some vendor-to-vendor sales going!!

It's a local organization that trains service dogs for assisting disabled persons- the Morris Service Dog Program. They're a great program- they obtain the dogs, raise and do basic training with them, then custom-train them to the specific person they'll be placed with. And they're placed at no charge to the recepient- all through fundraisers and donations. Great organization.

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Yeah, pet smart and the other "chain" stores haven't been too willing to help so far. A couple of the local pet supply/food stores are donating prizes to the raffle, though! ;) And an animal communicator, and a boarding/grooming/doggie day care center have donated as well. Makes me want to support local small stores even more! :D

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I am working on my 4th show for November. I've had the venue nailed down for about a month and have already started getting vendors. There's a lady I know who is doing her second show and is planning hers the week before mine at the same venue.

same venue hmm? I'm surprised they booked them back to back. Thats ok, November is a busy month & my favorite month for shows. Don't sweat it-imo the other promoter has more to worry about in terms of comparison.

btw Are you going to visit the other promoters show? I would esp if I had any last minute cancellations. Never hurts & you might be able to cherry pick & fill a spot.

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same venue hmm? I'm surprised they booked them back to back. Thats ok, November is a busy month & my favorite month for shows. Don't sweat it-imo the other promoter has more to worry about in terms of comparison.

btw Are you going to visit the other promoters show? I would esp if I had any last minute cancellations. Never hurts & you might be able to cherry pick & fill a spot.

Most definitely I'm going to her show!! ;)

It's funny because ever since I did my first one last November all these people are popping up trying to have shows. Some have been in mine and some I'm just heard about through the grapevine. And let me tell you, each and every one of them with the exception of one has either been cancelled or has had NO attendance. These people think they can throw a show together in a month and everything will be ok, it doesn't work that way!!! Especially if it's your very first show. It takes a month sometimes just to find an adequate space!

I'm stopping by a show on Saturday of someone I know through e-mail. She's having the event in a somewhat ghetto hotel, ok, it's actually really ghetto! And she's charging the vendors like $70 a space. That's more than I'm charging and mine is in a REALLY nice hotel out in an area where people have money. So we'll see what happens.

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