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Ideas for a efficient work area layout


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I thought this maybe fun for some and help others as they expand their business. With all the experience on this board ! :wink2:

1.What things have you done to make your work area efficient to get the most production done.

Have you heard of pouring tables?

For instance I am having problems with space.

I pour on the same table as I do labeling too and I am not enjoying this. LOL

If you could design a work shop what would it look like :rolleyes:

Dream a little and have fun with this !!

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My workshop has a stove/oven. On either side is a table. One is my soapmaking table; the other is my candle pouring table. Behind each table is a set of narrow shelves for colorants, additives, and labels. Under each table I also have shelves to store equipment. Under the candle table I have boxes of various wicks. Under the soaping table I have a shelf of molds and stick blender, goggles, etc. and under that go all the fats -- coconut, palm, olive, etc. Off to one far side I have a huge cabinet full of fo's. Off to the other far side is my sink. Off in another corner I have cases of jars and lids. It's a pretty efficient set-up for me and I like it.

I do have another table for shipping as well. Under the table I have a huge box of bubble wrap and another of peanuts. Folded empty boxes are also there, as well as tape, scissors, and my scale for weighing the finished packages. :)

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My new shop has been a dream come true for me. First of all, it is huge at 2800 square feet. The retail shop itself is big, but only takes up about 1/3 of that space.. the rest, is all manufacturing and storage space. It is set up sort of long, so it makes the production line set up very simple.

For making candles I have areas set up for wax cutting, wicking, pouring (still using prestos and pour pots here x5. Hoping to change that VERY soon because it's still not enough) cooling, touching up, cleaning up, labeling, shipping and storing! This allows a good little assembly line, and makes it possible for me to have an organized system.

There is a seperate room for soaping/bath and body which isn't quite done yet.. Hub has just finished puting a 220 outlet in there for my stove. Microwave is there, sinks everywhere and a nice but not quite long enough counter in that room..so that's getting finished this week.

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I have a small section of my husband's shop. I was extremely thrilled when my husband came home one day with 2 HUGE sections of metal/wire shelving that his employer had thrown in the dumpster.( I taught him that dumpster driving is very important in this day and time):rolleyes2 The shelves were adjustable so I have 3 very deep shelves on each section and they are about 6' long. My father had bought a huge stainless steel table from a resturant auction many years ago so after he passed away, I acquired it.(12'x 2 1/2'). I have a stove top but no oven and I hate that because I have to run into the kitchen and use my oven there. I'll replace with a real stove if/when it goes out. When organized, I have a section for everything. On days that I'm rushed, you can't tell where one part starts and the other ends.

For people looking for shelving and tables, contact manufacturing business to see if they have any that they are getting rid of or would sell cheap. Where my husband works, they throw out perfectly good stuff because they don't want to make minor repairs and just replace it with new. It's just like Christmas when he brings a load of "junk" home. It's amazing and I love free stuff.:yay:

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My new shop has been a dream come true for me. First of all, it is huge at 2800 square feet. The retail shop itself is big, but only takes up about 1/3 of that space.. the rest, is all manufacturing and storage space. It is set up sort of long, so it makes the production line set up very simple.

For making candles I have areas set up for wax cutting, wicking, pouring (still using prestos and pour pots here x5. Hoping to change that VERY soon because it's still not enough) cooling, touching up, cleaning up, labeling, shipping and storing! This allows a good little assembly line, and makes it possible for me to have an organized system.

There is a seperate room for soaping/bath and body which isn't quite done yet.. Hub has just finished puting a 220 outlet in there for my stove. Microwave is there, sinks everywhere and a nice but not quite long enough counter in that room..so that's getting finished this week.

I knew you would have some great information.

I am looking for ideas for the future.

The way things are set up now at our home it is limited.

We would really like to move.

There is a place I would love to buy some day ( in my prayers)

anyway it has a wonderful shop.

Dreamer here You bet Nothing wrong with it I love to plan ahead :D

Lets hear somemore dream plans out there

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