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Neck Coolers (collars)


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I think that it should be said that terms are often generational and reigonal. As a twenty something living in Arizona I would use the word Hispanic but I can tell you that some of my older family memebers in other parts of the country wouldn't use that term. I think that what matters is what context words are used in she was obviously trying to be thoughtful I really wonder sometimes if people don't think that there is predjudice and inequality simply because they are looking for it and waiting for it to happen. I think there are terms that would be offensive and I won't put them here but I think we need to relax after all people from America are Americans and people from Canada are Canadians ............... you see where I am going with this.

Amen Sister!

I used to work in a mental health agency that was prodominently black (the workers and the clients), I (being white was a minority). I was attacked verbally by another worker for using the word African American, she said that was offensive but if I used the word black to some people that was offensive. I don't see why it matters as long as someone is not using a definitely offensive term what is all the crap about.

I get so sick of not being able to talk freely sometimes because I don't know when an honest statement might be mistaken, as I see it if someone has a problem with a term, word etc. they need to look at themselves and see why it is pushing a button.

I hate to say this and probably shouldn't but I will, I believe this country has gotten so caught up in protecting everyones rights, being politcally correct etc they we have somewhat imprisioned ourselves.

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Ooooohhhhhh I know I should just skip this thread but I just want to interject my 2 cents worth. I don't feel Cissy meant anything derogatory by using the term "Mexican". However, a more "politically correct" term would have been "Hispanic" or "Latino". Hispanics view the word/term "Mexican" as disrespectful or ill meant. Just as another word/term is considered disrespectful and ill meant regarding Afrcian Americans. I don't have a chip on my shoulder and I'm not of Latino descent. Again, however, my daughter IS an I don't have to tell you how hurtful children can be when they are young and into name calling. Just my 2 cents worth.

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People can be cruel, especially kids, and some of the things they say can be so hurtful and unfortunately they may be learning it from there parents. I mean not only do they make fun of people who are not ethnically unlike them but they make fun of them if they are chubby, have certain colors of hair, are too skinny even. I don't think that anyone is saying that down right ignorance is ok, but everyone needs to lighten up. Not everyone knows what term a certain nationality might preferred to be called, and if they did I guarantee you there is someone within that group who prefers something else, so if no one meant harm or said anything down right ugly, why should it matter which term she said.

I hate to say but being called a "white" person can be politacally incorrect in certain situations and groups, even if that person is white, but I have never corrected anyone by the way they use it, I don't care if they think just bcz I am a certain color that means I am a certain way. I know I am not. Just the opposite, but I have been judged so harshly in my past job bcz of my color but I just did my job and let people show what they really were.

Heres my philosophy on people who judge: If a person is judging another so harshly then it is usually the judger who is doing what is being accused...

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