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anyone use patchouli from CC

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Just wondering if anyone has any input on this FO. Currently I use only CC FO's. I have heard from supplier and posts on this site that her FO's are really strong. However, I am not having such luck with the patch. Currently I have 4 8oz metro jars burning of it with 2 different wicks. They are burning in a rather large room with a tall ceiling but still - you would think with 4 burning you would be overwhelmed with scent. Yesterday a friend stopped by and actually asked if the candle was unscented ---- uggggghhh. I am currently using 1oz/lb of wax (EL soy).

I just dont get it. with how powerful I hear her FOs are I would think many of them would be just knock you off your feet. The lowest I go on any of them is .8/lb. Most are at .9/lb. I've read many people that only use .6/lb. I must be doing something wrong :embarasse .

Do real tall ceilings make that much of difference. I would guess they are 10-12 foot tall floor to ceiling (100+ year old victorian house).

Any input would be awesome.

Can you put to much FO in --- to much meaning by adding to much they would be weaker in scent then adding a smaller amount?

Thanks to you all :smiley2:

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Bummer - but I guess to be expected, not all can work with everything.

Patch is my fav. FO its also my perfum (not from CC however). It burns fine (wicked up a ways) just no scent. Maybe I'll try once more with it just to see, already bought it might as well use it up.

Thanks for the post

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As a patch lover, how do you like the CC version? I mean apart from the fact that it's not throwing in your wax.

By the way, you probably know this but give the candles a little time to cure before judging the throw. Some FOs will be duds no matter what, but even good ones can benefit from a few days to a week cure time before burning.

You also brought up some points about the size of the room and the ceiling height. Every space is unique in size, shape and air currents so it would be difficult for anyone to judge how that's affecting your test. Burn a candle that you know throws well and get used to how it works in your space. Then you'll have some basis for comparison.

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Thanks again for the input. I do let them cure 3 days which is what the supplier states is the max needed for all her scents (she says 1 day for most FOs but 2-3 days for the earthy FOs). I put in an email to her as well and will be seeing her soon for an order pick up.

As far as the CC scent..... I like it, I am new to candle making so I cant say if its the best one out there. I will say I dont think even if it were skin safe (havent even checked) I would wear it. It has a little off scent from what I normally buy for wearing, like many of her FOs - it has depth and seems to be blended with something. I find just the straighter patch from hippie/state street shops is my preferred scent over CC's. I figure I'll see if it grows on me, in the bottle I like the scent but since I havent smelled the hot throw I cant tell if it is a keeper, most FOs seem to smell a tad different bottle/burning. With being a patch lover it would be nice to be head over heals for it (it would also be nice if I could get hot throw even for personal use, what good is candle making if you cant make what you like for your own home LOL). :grin2:

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