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Buttermilk recipe?


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Does anyone have a Buttermilk recipe for soap that they would be willing to share? I am looking to make my first milk soap..And I would Like to do Butter milk and Honey...

and leave unscented...

Are their any tuts for making milk soaps?

I can't find any?? I am kinda scared of the milk and honey thing...


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Here's a brief tutorial (overview) on how I do my 100% goat's milk soap.

I mix my lye in HALF the normal amount of water I use. Then after the lye water is cool, I match the water amount with an equal weight of frozen concentrated GM (I use concentrated from the can, so you're supposed to mix with an equal amount of water to reconstitute). Add the cubes one at a time to the lye water, stirring constantly and keeping an eye on your temp. It should stay cool; mine always does. As soon as all the GM cubes are incorporated, add milk/lye to your cooled oils and bring to trace as usual.

Because the GM is concentrated, it is now reconstituted to whole milk.

For my buttermilk soap, I add the buttermilk to my cooled lye water, stirring constantly. Then I quickly get the milk/lye water into my cooled oils and bring to trace as usual. It's important to get that milk worked into the soap batter quickly so it doesn't scorch.


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This is how i do milk soap as i never had any luck with mixing the lye and the milk. I only use powdered milk, works with any kind of milk. I take about 20% off the amount of water i need and make a nice paste with the milk. mix the lye with the remaining water. make the soap and and add the milk paste at trace.

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I take the easy way out with my buttermilk soap. I use the powder, mix it in with an ounce of water so it's a slurry (reduce lye water by an ounce to compensate). Mix the buttermilk in at trace.

Honey I heat up with water (also reduce lye water by amount of water used), and put in at trace. Watch for overheating, the extra sugar will get you. I have good luck using room temp lye to keep the temps down.

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I've been thinking of experimenting with the powder myself, Robin. My buttermilk soap also has honey powder, and I use the liquid buttermilk to incorporate the honey since mine doesn't dissolve well in oils.

My plan is to reduce my water a bit, then use that amount to sb the honey powder into, then sb the buttermilk powder into that honey water. I plan to add that slurry at trace too. We'll see how that works. Might make my life easier, reduces the risk of scorched milk, and buttermilk powder is available at my grocery store! :smiley2:

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