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Soy candles a little "rippled"...

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So I did my very first container candles last night with the soy wax kit I bought for containers. The color is not what I expected, but that's easy to fix. The cold throw is amazing, I'm letting them sit for a while longer before I burn them for testing (I made two, one for each type of wick I have). The larger one, which I poured last, looks a little rippled and there are a couple spots between the wax and the glass. I assume I poured too cold (110 as recommended in the kit). I also didn't warm the glasses before I poured. If I pour at about 130 into heated containers, will this help? I've done some research and I think that'll do it, just checking with the professionals. Also, the fo and dye blended really well in the wax and the wax melted easily, no chunks. Is this a sign of good quality? Thanks!

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Depending on the type of wax you are using... Some soy waxes are recommended to pour very slushy. And Some have higher pouring temps. With out knowing what type you are using it is hard to help but for the wax that I use. It is recommended to pour slushy usually 100 degrees. When I do this I get nice smooth tops. I don't heat my jars at all. In the winter I have to watch the outside temp, because of drafts in my house. When it is extremely cold I have to raise my room temp to help with wetspots and shrinkage. If the candles cool to fast I get what looks like a sink hole. And wetspots.. I don't get them very often so I am not sure what to tell you there.


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