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I made a pink volcano!!!

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Well, let's just say my first foray into bath bombs was a complete and utter failure :) I would hazard a guess that I used too much witch hazel. It would just not stop foaming, lol. I thought about just setting it in the sink to see how big it would get but then thought I'll just hide the evidence before DH gets home. On a positive note, I picked up some "Neon" food colors at Wally World and it was a beautiful pink volcano, if nothing else.

Ah well, the evidence is all but gone, only a faint lingering scent of LLC....... I think I'll stick to easier things for a while.......

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Awww, you got my gremlins.

And you GOTTA take pictures, it's a requirement! If I can show you bath cookies, you can show a hot pink flaming volcano.

If it makes you feel any better, tonight I got bath muffins to go with the purple cookies... LMAO.

You didn't have the pod going, did ya? Humm?

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Ummm, would I make product without 'Pod? Would I? Would I BE that careless and potentially destructive?


I left it off so I could listen for the little man. After the staples goin' in his noggin I wanted to keep an extra watchful eye on the little stinker. Of course he was too busy playing Ty the Tasmanian Tiger.

Tried again this AM (WITH 'Pod) and made a much better looking batch in the Tap a Mold. I used my salad mixer thing and it blended soooo much easier. However, I think I broke it LOL! So now I'm going to go to Wally's and buy a cheap food processor. They still look a little crumbly but at least no volcano :) I may run over to Michaels and buy a few round molds.



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Yes, definitely keep your eye on the humidity levels. We have an instrument that measures humidity both inside and out. If the level is around 20%, my bombs turn out fine. If it's 40%, forget it, bay-bee! They just work so much better when the humidity is low. :cool2:

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I played around with these this weekend. Tried 3 different recipes, because you just never know what will work. I had one with warts, one that looked like bread dough that just kept rising and needed to be pounded down, a batch of half-bombs (wouldn't come out of the molds, dag-nabbit), and a couple of decent efforts. Of course, if the de-humidifier hadn't been running, I think it would have been even worse.

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