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I don't see why not, if that is what you're looking for.

Me, I don't like to use as much cocoa butter as it melts so easily and makes things runnier IMO, so those percentages wouldn't work for my applications.

I guess you could always up the amount of shea though, duh!! LOL

I think I'll stick with two separate butters, just seems easier for me.

Is it cost effective? I think that would be the main thing for me besides the ratio issue. OR is is cheaper to buy each separately?

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Cost wise it isnt a bad deal. I just like using both in some of the things I play around with. So Cocoa butter melts quicker??? That might be a draw back for me, then again I may just order a # of it to play with, I really dont think I can have too much stuff to play with;) know what I mean.



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It says it's a 50/50 mix. I suppose if whatever you're making uses this mix, it's convenient. Otherwise, if you have to measure and add one of the components to increase its percentage, it might be a hassle having tor recalculate everything, in which case it might be simpler just to get separate ingredients. I'm not sure of the melting points of shea and cocoa, but cocoa is harder and seems to take longer to melt for me than shea.

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I'm not sure of the melting points of shea and cocoa, but cocoa is harder and seems to take longer to melt for me than shea.

REALLY? WOW, the cocoa butter definitely melts faster than the shea for me, how weird, and even when I use it in scrubs and stuff it makes them runnier and melt on my skin faster than when I use shea or more shea. ;)

Pretty freaky deaky.:confused: LOL

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