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Could you help me with a wick problem?

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I'm using JSB 50/50 Wax with 1 oz JS Coffee Cake FO per pound + 2 drops honey liquid dye.

I've tested the following wicks in a 8 oz Apothecary jar: Eco 12, Eco 14, RRD 47, RRD 50, and RRD 55. I get a great MP and scent throw with all of these wicks but I've wicked down several times because I'm getting a good size mushroom on the wick after less than an hour of burning. I end up blowing the candle out, clipping the wick and relighting again. Also, the wick has to be 1/8 inch or it will smoke.

My concern is that candle buyers will not keep the wick cut that short.

Any ideas on what I could be doing wrong? Or am I being too picky?



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I was thinking of getting a sample pack of HTP's. I only have the HTP 83 which I think would be too small of a wick.

Does anyone have other suggestions for brand of wicks I could try?

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