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Shipping Help

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I know absolutely nothing about shipping:embarasse

In the past I have either taken it to a Neighborhood Express to be packaged and shipped....or a few times I have used the Flat Rates for the Swaps.

I have found myself in a situation where I have to ship a lot of Candles.

( 300 tins ) ( 50 Jars ) (500 sample Jars) plus some other things...Displays, Banners etc.

What is the best way to pack and ship this?

Is there a maximum weight that you pack your boxes? What is the least expensive way to ship...and still make sure it gets there is in good condition?

Several Smaller boxes? A few large boxes? I know I should pack boxes inside of boxes with peanuts.I am just not sure what size or whether to use the USPS or UPS. Unfortunately I have to absorb the cost of shipping all this.

Any help you can give me I would appreciate it.

I know that shipping is something that a lot of you do often.

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For the candles~I would suggest using the boxes with dividers- (like the box the jars came in originally) and wrap each one in that foam you can buy in sheets or rolls. Seal each box, and wrap it in bubble wrap. and put those bags filled with air (can't remember the correct name) in between them and on the sides. You want to make sure there is no room for movement once you seal the box. This is the key to avoid breakage.

I believe the max weight per box is 70 lbs. Fed Ex would be the most inexpensive route. Plus you will get a better rate utilizing the multi box 200 + weight tier. I believe there is a Uline in Dallas, they will have good prices on shipping supplies. I would not recommend peanuts if you are setting up for a show, as they are messy as all get out.

You can do this! :wink2:

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Thank you SO MUCH! And that is a great tip about the peanuts, I seriously HATE those things. The static electricity alone is enough to give you a bad hair day! 70 Lbs it IS! I am going to have some help on that end receiving the shipment and putting the things in the bags. Time is FLYING by but I still am holding on to the sanity! (which will be leaving me soon so I better enjoy it while it is here!)

Thanks again Mystical...you are the BEST!

BTW...did you ever find that "tool" you were looking for?

Tell ya what....if I can't figure out how to use it, you can have mine. LOL

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Yep, double boxing is what I'm doing right now as i type this, don't want to take ANY chances on having broken jar candles arriving at their new homes!! ;)

It's a PITA when doing smaller orders like I'm doing (some with only 1 jar) but I'd just rather be safe rather than sorry.

Oh and where do they get off charging out the butt for bubble wrap??? :angry2: I save all of mine, but didn't have near enough and had to pay over $8 for a not so big roll of it yesterday!! :(

Michael, take you time packaging everything up, making sure nothing is moving around in there, and your products should be fine at their destination!! :)

Sooo did I miss something? Are ya doing a big show far from home or something??

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When I package tins(since they dont usually come with their own boxes) I pack and stack them tightly in one box and then place that box in a larger box with peanuts(get the anti static ones)

I do the glass the same way but in their own box.


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What mystical said :D

Not sure I can put this out here (shhh I'm taking a risk ) but when I'm out of packing supplies I use parrothead88 on eBay. Also if you ask store owners to save you boxes & packing they will. Saves them a trip to the dumpster + its being recycled. The store owners don't seem to mind & I don't have to spend as much money on packing supplies.

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Sooo did I miss something? Are ya doing a big show far from home or something??

I AM!:D My first "showing" actually. A wonderful opportunity for my new endeavor. Fortunately, I will be among my network of friends and former business associates. It is in Newport Beach (gotta LOVE Orange County!!!!)

I am beyond excited! I want everything PERFECT! I only have one thing that is giving me a challenge...and I think I have it worked out....the shipping is HUGE! Afterall...if everything doesn't arrive IN TACT, all this hard work will be down the tubes!

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WOW Newport Beach huh? You should do very well there, what an opportunity for ya!! :thumbsup: Right on!!

Yah, the shipping costs eat into your profits up front, but just remember that all of that is a tax write off at the end of the year (provided you have a business license). ;)

So, when is this show? I can't wait to hear how it goes.

I'll be waving atcha as you fly over my poe dunk town (well maybe not, but not too terribly far from me. ;) ). LOL

Good luck to you Michael, I'm sure all the hard work and money you're putting in now (to ship etc.) will be well worth it, those peeps down there have some $$ to burn!! :D

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