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Show this weekend


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Oops--I double booked! I had signed up for a show this weekend back in January. I also promised to baby-sit for 5 days and didn't realize it was the same weekend until about a month ago. SO DH and DD have insisted they'll do the show for me (even though, from all I've read about bad shows this year, I'd just as soon forfeit my registration fee and forget all about it!).

It's just so much trouble to do a show when you only do containers because they're so heavy, I really hate for someone other than myself to have to do all the work! But when I tried to talk DH out of doing this, it hurt his feelings because he interpreted that as me not thinking he could handle it!

I'm leaving Wednesday for 5 days of baby-sitting, including 2 12-14 hour drives; my son and his wife are going to a conference and won't leave the granddaughter with me--instead, I have to cross the country with them to keep her in a hotel room! It would sure be easier to keep her at home!

So I guess I'm just venting here....thanks for "listening" to me.


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Well that's a bummer...one, that you have to spend the time in a hotel babysitting. Kind of confining after awhile!

But two..that you're missing your show. Maybe it will just go extremely well, you'll get to relax while its all happening.

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I say go and enjoy. Your Dh can handle the show. You should enjoy every opportunity you can with your grandchild. My parents both jump and the chance to see my kids and the kids see it and love it. So go forget all responsibilities at home and have a great time with your grandchild.

Have fun!!!

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I say go and enjoy. Your Dh can handle the show. You should enjoy every opportunity you can with your grandchild. My parents both jump and the chance to see my kids and the kids see it and love it. So go forget all responsibilities at home and have a great time with your grandchild.

Have fun!!!

I agree that DH can handle the show, he might surprise you with sales :D

But I don't agree with keeping the grandbaby in a hotel. To me that is crazy. I jump at the chance to see my grand daughters, in fact, I watch them both every day, a one year old and a 5 mo. old. But I would NOT want to sit in a hotel room all day with them. And I personally think it's unfair to both you and the baby. I feel it would be in the best interest for the baby to be in his/her own home where grandma can watch him/her. Sounds like grandma is just to nice, this grandma would have said "I'd love to watch the baby...in my house or yours". Just my 2 cents worth.

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I can't say no!! Gets me in all kinds of trouble.

I DO love getting to keep DGD--it's just the circumstances that bother me. But I've already agreed to it and it's time to just do my best to enjoy it!!

I'm sure DH and DD will do fine--they've always helped me; I'm just a bit of a perfectionist and drive them both crazy! I've been calling DD with updates all night as I packed things up for the show--telling her how the signs are set up and where extra stuff is for every eventuality I can think of!

Thanks for participating in my angst!


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